Author Posts: Farmers Guide
Landowners approached by developers: Option or Promotion Agreement?
6th October 2021
Nick Harper FAAV MRICS, managing director of Hawkspur – specialists in option and promotion agreements for landowners – offers his advice.
Specialists urge prioritising autumn wild oat control
6th October 2021
Following the wake-up call of one of the worst years for infestations in recent memory, growers across the country have been urged to put a much higher priority on wild oat control this season.
Tractors, cars and motorbikes could raise up to £1m in Cheffins October Vintage Sale
6th October 2021
The fourth Cheffins’ collective sale of 2021 will see a series of classic and vintage tractors, cars, motorbikes and collectors’ items on offer on 23rd October at the Cheffins sale ground at Sutton, near Ely.
Support tupping success with a natural energy feed
5th October 2021
The dry April followed by one of the wettest and coolest Mays on record resulted in a slow start to the grazing season. As a consequence, ewe body condition score (BCS) will have suffered, and it is likely that ewes will be below target for the time of year due to having to draw on body fat reserves for milk production. Downland experts explore options for supplementation…
New grain handling technology on display at Midlands Machinery Show
5th October 2021
This year’s Midlands Machinery Show will not only feature the latest heavy machinery, but also let farmers see first hand the latest technology improving harvest returns.
Huge public support to keep food self-sufficiency levels above 60%
5th October 2021
More than 54,000 people have signed a letter to Defra Secretary of State George Eustice in support of NFU calls for a commitment to not let Britain’s food production slip below its current level of 60% self-sufficiency.
Farmers protest as Boris Johnson accused of failing to take action on staffing crisis
4th October 2021
Following weeks of mounting concern and frustration, pig farmers have taken to the streets to protest, gathering outside the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester on 4th October to highlight the current sector crisis.
NFU calls for delay and urgent review of BPS reductions in 2022 and 2023
4th October 2021
The NFU is calling for an urgent review of Defra’s future farming programme for England, including the postponement of Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) reductions in 2022 and 2023, as farmers and growers continue to deal with multiple challenges which are causing severe disruptions to essential food producing businesses.
2022 Yamaha range revealed
3rd October 2021
Yamaha has launched a new range of all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and recreational off-road vehicles (ROVs).
OCT 2021
Sixty-year-old herbicide proves increasingly important
2nd October 2021
Industry interest in a 60-year-old herbicide is at an all-time high this autumn as growers and agronomists across the country deal with an upsurge in grassweed problems.
Diversification: Where to begin
1st October 2021
As diversification becomes increasingly important to rural businesses, James Whilding, managing director of Acorus Rural Property Services Ltd, offers advice on potential barriers and how to get started.
OCT 2021
Your guide to cattle health around the transition period
1st October 2021
Metabolic disorders and health issues can erase the profit potential for dairy cow farms for the year. Provita technical sales advisor George Shaw shares his thoughts.