Author Posts: Farmers Guide

Rodent control on your farm

With winter just around the corner, now is the time to ensure your premises are prepared for the pest problems that lie ahead. 1env Solutions offers some tips.

Affordable actives can provide a much-needed boost to pre-em herbicide treatments

Adding pendimethalin and/or diflufenican to select herbicide co-packs can boost pre-emergence weed control in winter wheat, according to the crop protection company ADAMA.

PWD vaccine could be an effective control strategy in pig herds

The post-weaning diarrhoea (PWD) vaccine Coliprotec can prevent the disease in nearly 60% of pig herds, UK diagnostic testing data has shown.

BMPA urges Defra to account for pork supply chain complexities

The British Meat Processors Association (BMPA) said Defra’s recently launched consultation focuses on too small a part of the pork supply chain and ignores many of the complexities that contributed to the recent crisis in the pig sector.

Harvest your returns with forward-looking brokerage from Westbrooke Associates

As the world’s population is projected to exceed nine billion by 2050, vertical farming is rapidly becoming the answer to the global food crisis, according to Westbrooke Associates.

Key OSR risk management techniques highlighted in grower study

Ten of the most widely-used techniques to reduce winter OSR risk are rated particularly highly for their effectiveness by growers in the latest annual Dekalb benchmarking study, providing a valuable focus for those looking to make the most of the coming season’s excellent OSR-earning opportunities.

Genetics: Protecting oilseed rape yields at harvest

Losses in the period up to harvest in oilseed rape can often be high. However, there are several ways that these can be kept to a minimum, says Liam Wilkinson, development officer for arable crops for Limagrain UK.

Five tips for better slug control this autumn

The lead-up to harvest has been dry, so conditions have not been conducive for slug activity across much of the country. However, things can quickly change if the weather breaks and a pattern of regular rainfall kicks in.

“Clever” post-harvest cultivations

In the rush to prepare ground for drilling, it can be all too easy to go straight in with the cultivator or subsoiler as soon as the combine leaves the field – but that may not be best for soil health or crop establishment.

New teat disinfectant is “first of its kind”

Evans Vanodine has added a new, innovative product to its extensive teat disinfectant range – Sapphire 1:4, a chlorhexidine-based concentrate teat disinfectant.

Successful black-grass control takes time and dedication

More than two decades of black-grass trials at Agrii’s Stow Longa research centre suggest that only by taking a fully integrated approach involving the full gamut of control options will growers succeed in tackling this problem weed.

Dealer confirms expansion into Shropshire

Tallis Amos Group (TAG) has confirmed it has been appointed as the John Deere dealer to cover Shrewsbury and Newport in Shropshire, offering full sales, parts and service support within the surrounding area.

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