What sprays are available for your grain stores in 2021? And which is the best?

Martin Cobbald from pest control experts Dealey Environmental Ltd, gives you the run-down on what chemicals are available in 2021 for grain store spraying, in the latest video for Farmers Guide.

Making sure that your grain stores are free from infestation is an integral part of preparation for harvest. An insecticide spray is the best way to give you that certainty that your new crop isn’t going to be infested immediately after harvest. With many of the insects lurking in your stores their presence can be quite damaging, leading to rejection at weighbridge and costly returns.

It is clear how quickly insects can eat into your profits. But what insecticides are available for use? How do they work and which are the best ones?

Martin from Dealey Environmental talks you through the range available. Dealey Environmental have been treating empty grain stores and fumigating grain since the 1970s. Their fumigators spend most of the year seeing the results of not being prepared. Are you ready for harvest 2021?

Catch more grain knowledge at www.dealey.co.uk

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