Keep beneficials in mind when tackling pests this autumn
21st September 2020
With the loss of neonicotinoids forcing growers to change the way they tackle pest control in cereals and oilseed rape, pyrethroid insecticides now form the backbone of many aphid and flea beetle control programmes.
Don’t discount delaying drilling
21st September 2020
With last autumn’s wet weather significantly impacting winter cereal crop establishment, many growers will be contemplating bringing this year’s drilling dates forward into late September or early October. ADAMA’s Bill Lankford therefore examines why this strategy goes against all best practice advice for controlling black-grass populations and explains why – alongside weed mapping, rotation planning, cultivation technique and herbicide programmes – delaying drilling is still one of the key tactics for beating black-grass.
Outdoor use of metaldehyde to be banned, Defra confirms
18th September 2020
Farming minister Victoria Prentis has announced that the outdoor use of metaldehyde will be banned in Great Britain from the end of March 2022.
New black-grass herbicide in development
14th September 2020
ADAMA Agricultural Solutions UK is developing a new herbicide specifically aimed at controlling black-grass in cereals crops.
Delayed drilling still essential for black-grass control
3rd September 2020
After the sodden conditions last autumn, some arable farmers may consider drilling wheat earlier to guarantee a decent area next harvest. But threats such as grass weeds and virus carrying aphids are both more of an issue in early drilled crops. Bayer’s Darren Adkins gives his thoughts on how farmers can balance the need for wheat area with pest and weed threats.
Early drilled oilseed rape needs tailored herbicide programme
26th August 2020
Farmers who drilled oilseed rape in July and August without applying a pre-emergence herbicide will need a tailored approach to weed control this autumn.
Triple-active herbicide for effective weed management
24th August 2020
Tower – a residual herbicide containing a unique mixture of pendimethalin, diflufenican and chlorotoluron – offers arable growers easy access to a three-in-one solution which is capable of controlling a wide spectrum of weeds.
Sept 2020
Potential broad-leaved weed resistance development
24th August 2020
Withdrawal of herbicide active ingredients is putting pressure on the remaining modes of action, warns ADAS weed specialist Dr Sarah Cook. Heather Briggs reports.
Potato growers target clean finish to season as blight pressure resurfaces
21st August 2020
Mixed weather patterns across many regions of the UK and Ireland is leading to localised outbreaks of late blight in potatoes, according to Corteva Agriscience.
Growers risk serious escalation of black-grass problems
10th August 2020
Many growers across the country are risking a serious escalation of their black-grass problems by failing to pay sufficient attention to key elements of cultural control, according to the latest national grassweed study run independently for Bayer this season.
6 steps to manage soil and black-grass around harvest
5th August 2020
Decisions taken during harvest can have repercussions 12 months later. With farmers determined to recover from a difficult 2019/20, what steps can they take to increase the chances of a successful crop next year?
Survey seeks super rats
2nd August 2020
Resistant ‘super rats’ are breeding in the UK and more information is needed to reduce their numbers. A new survey will compile data to establish the extent to which resistance is understood and what methods farmers are using to control rodent infestations.