Ecological seed mixes to offer greater agronomic benefit

Farmers and growers can now choose from a variety of wildflower and environmental seed mixtures, launched by the Syngenta Operation Pollinator initiative, to boost payments from environmental schemes and unlock significant ecological and agronomic benefits.

NIAB research helps growers prioritise grass weed control

NIAB research has highlighted the immediate priority for growers to target grass weeds already in the crop now, rather than waiting for more to emerge later in the spring. The results reinforce the role of Axial Pro for early grass weed control.

New applicator “improves PCN control and reduces product wastage”

Replacing an aging, and often unreliable farm-built nematicide applicator with the Terracast GR, an applicator specifically designed for precision placement of nematicide, starter fertiliser and cover crops has enabled Cheshire-based potato farmer Zak Stanier to (not only) improve the accuracy of his previous system but also widen potential use of the farm’s new applicator to include sowing cover crops and placing starter fertiliser.

Farmers urged to protect OSR crops against spring-emerging weeds

Following reports of weeds such as cranesbill, scentless mayweed and cleavers emerging in oilseed rape (OSR) crops, farmers are being advised to monitor fields closely and take prompt action if necessary.

Conditions ideal for farmers to get ahead with weed control

A mild winter, forward crops and good conditions for sprayers to travel have conspired to offer many arable farmers an early opportunity to get ahead with weed control.

Q&A: The role of post-em chemistry in grass-weed control

Following the recent launch of an updated post-em herbicide called Atlantis Star by Bayer, campaign manager Tom Chillcott offered insights on how post-ems fit into current weed control programmes.

Top tips for top crops in the coming months

As the end of the year approaches, it’s time to take a look at crops and field conditions and create a plan of action for next year.

Affordable actives can provide a much-needed boost to pre-em herbicide treatments

Adding pendimethalin and/or diflufenican to select herbicide co-packs can boost pre-emergence weed control in winter wheat, according to the crop protection company ADAMA.

Contribute to the future of plant breeding

Ensuring plant breeding contributes to a more sustainable future for UK agriculture and exploring how the industry can collaborate to address this challenge, is to be explored at a knowledge exchange event next month.

Keep revised WRAG guidelines in mind when managing stubbles ahead of autumn drilling

Farmers need to maximise efficacy and minimise resistance risks when using glyphosate to eliminate weeds ahead of drilling according to Matt Siggs of Bayer. Roundup (glyphosate) is a vital control tool on many farms, so a pro-active approach is best to ensure long-term efficacy.

Lessons learnt: The path to a regenerative farm

With the agricultural industry under the spotlight due to the ‘climate crisis’, regenerative farming is a hot topic. However, the ability to be able to change your farming practices comes down to one thing – the bottom line. Rachel Hicks reports.

Chemistry and technique can counter active loss

‘Broadacre’ weed control methods, which are increasingly replacing FAR approaches, mean sugar beet weeds can be kept in check through the early part of the season despite the loss of desmedipham.

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