Timely extra strength for Clearfield growers

The arrival of a new generation of Clearfield varieties offering improved performance and reliability will be particularly welcome to growers needing to keep on top of cruciferous weeds and ensure the most robust establishment and early crop development this autumn.

Blowfly risk rises to ‘medium’ in some regions

The risk of blowfly strike has now risen to ‘medium’ in parts of southern and central England, according to real-time updates produced by Elanco and the National Animal Disease Information Service (Nadis).

Spray weed seedlings in new sown leys for best control

Control of perennial weeds such as docks, thistles and buttercups is easier and much more cost-effective in new-sown leys than spraying mature, fully established weeds a year later, according to Dr Nicola Perry, weed biology specialist for Corteva Agriscience.

Variable Winter Wheat Flag Leaf Emergence Presents Challenge To Growers

The wide range in winter wheat drilling dates and differing development speeds of some varieties are contributing to making this one of the most complex seasons ever for timing flag leaf sprays, experts are suggesting.

Could new co-formulation help clear blight headache?

Impressive trials performances by a new co-formulated blight fungicide could give growers confidence that they can stay on top of the disease this year.

Prepare grain stores ahead of harvest

Having a fully prepared grain store by paying particular attention to hygiene, could be key to avoiding costly insect and rodent infestations over the long storage period later in the year.

Formulation key to weed control success in spring barley

With a record 1 million ha of spring barely planted this year and rain forecast for the beginning of May, growers will be under pressure to control weeds in a narrow window of opportunity, so herbicide formulation could make all the difference.

BlightCast 2020 vision

Syngenta BlightCast is now live and running for the 2020 season, to give potato growers and agronomists a clear picture of impending blight pressure and risks – in time to make active application decisions.

BYDV threat for emerging spring cereals

This season’s vast area of spring sown cereals face emerging to an almost instant intense and prolonged risk of BYDV infection.

Control rats in spring or risk an autumn infestation

Following a mild and wet winter, farmers are being advised to tackle rats in spring to avoid potential infestations this autumn.

Three-point plan to help control farm rodents

Farmers are being urged to follow a three-point rodent control plan this autumn to avoid significant infestations later in the year. Thorough farm checks, consistent baiting schedules and the use

Tips for managing and treating BYDV

Following the loss of neonicotinoid seed treatments, cereal growers must change the way they control barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV), with regular crop monitoring followed by the targeted application of a suitable pyrethroid insecticide forming the backbone of an effective aphid control strategy.

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