British beetroot growers to receive £150m from exports to US each year

UK beetroot growers will be able to access the US market for the first time, NFU has just announced.

The announcement comes fresh off the back of a delegation of NFU and government representatives visiting the country to promote UK agriculture. 

NFU president Tom Bradshaw and NFU Horticulture and Potatoes Board vice chair Stephen Shields visited a UK horticulture business in the state of New York that processes and sells beetroots. 

Local supply was not keeping up with demand, and the delegation made the case to officials in Washington D.C. that importing products from England could boost sales and benefit both UK and US growers, NFU said. 

According to Defra, industry estimates this new access will be worth approximately £150,000 per year in increased exports. 

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Continued collaboration 

NFU president Tom Bradshaw welcomed the news: “Being able to access the US market, supplementing local production, will help to meet rising consumer demand for this healthy, nutritional crop, creating genuine growth opportunities for farmers and growers in the UK. 

“I am especially delighted that this announcement comes days after we returned from the US, where we were able to make the case for UK beetroot directly to government officials.” 

Mr Bradhaw added that industry collaboration with the government and the UK’s agri-food attaché based in Washington “has been key to resolving this issue”. 

“It shows the type of wins we’re able to achieve with the UK’s expanded network of agriculture attachés following a number of years of campaigning by the NFU for the creation of these positions. 

“Long may the collaboration continue so British farmers and growers can expand into further markets and increase sales of great British food overseas,” he concluded. 

NFU president Tom Bradshaw, photo by NFU.

The establishment of the network of agri-food attachés follows extensive NFU lobbying and is part of our ambition to grow UK agri-food exports by 30% to £33 billion by 2030. 

The UK currently has a network of 16 attachés, and the NFU continues to support the expansion of this network as a key tool to break down existing trade barriers and support export growth for British agriculture. 

‘Historic opportunity’ 

NFU Horticulture and Potatoes Board vice chair Stephen Shields called the deal a “historic opportunity”.  

He added: “This milestone not only enhances our market presence but also aligns with our ambition to grow the UK horticulture sector.” 

Minister for Food Security, Daniel Zeichner, said the agreement marks a “significant step forward for our beetroot farmers”. 

“But this is only the start – over the coming weeks and months I will work tirelessly to back our British farmers and get our food exports moving again,” he added. 

Defra has said it will work closely with UK beetroot growers and relevant industry bodies to ensure a smooth transition into the US market. 

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