Sugar beet price for 2023/24 sees 48% increase
28th June 2022
NFU Sugar and British Sugar have announced a beet price of £40 per tonne for the 2023/24 sugar beet contract year, which represents a 48% price increase on last year.
Dec 21
Looking ahead to spring cropping options
4th December 2021
Spring husbandry can provide both value and diversity within a rotation, often demonstrate lower yield variability and can show a better return than their autumn counterparts per £1 spent – although they often struggle to match the best gross margins. But which spring cropping option to choose? Rachel Hicks writes.
Additional sugar beet tonnes available in 2022 at fixed £27/t
8th November 2021
British Sugar is inviting sugar beet growers to produce additional tonnes in 2022 at a fixed price of £27/t; a 33% increase on the previous year’s contract price. Farmers interested in growing beet are also welcome to apply for their own contract or explore other growing options on offer.
Sugar beet contract agreed for 2022
22nd September 2021
NFU Sugar and British Sugar have today announced a one-year sugar beet contract from 2022, including the continuation of the Virus Yellows assurance scheme and the futures-linked contract.
Sugar beet workers reminded of stewardship safety guidelines
8th July 2021
Stewardship guidelines aimed at protecting workers hand-pulling bolters and weed beet from sugar beet crops were introduced by Bayer in 2018 with the intention of promoting product stewardship and operator safety.
Sugar beet farmers on alert as cold weather slows both growth and aphid migration
28th May 2021
Despite the unseasonably cold weather continuing across much of the UK, sugar beet growers must continue to monitor aphid migration closely to best protect crops until they reach the critical 12-leaf growth stage
Getting the most from your sugar beet crop
26th May 2021
A particularly cold April has put more pressure on sugar beet farmers than usual, making it vital that every possible action is taken to ensure yields are optimised and able to fulfil their potential. The key to achieving this? A robust nutrient management programme.
Insecticide gets emergency authorisation for sugar beet
11th May 2021
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has issued an emergency authorisation (EA) for the use of InSyst (acetamiprid) on sugar beet.
FEB 2021
New seed treatment enables rapid growth and emergence in sugar beet trials
10th February 2021
A new seed treatment, launched in November 2020 at the digital CropTec show, is demonstrating impressive sugar beet yield improvements and substantially reduced dirt tare, in on-going trial programmes.
Govt approves emergency use of neonic for sugar beet this year
13th January 2021
Farmers are expected to be able to use a product containing thiamethoxam for the treatment of sugar beet seed in 2021, under strict conditions.
Red Tractor asks farmers to help shape future standards
5th January 2021
The UK’s leading farm assurance body, Red Tractor, is urging farmers to engage in a consultation on how its farm standards should evolve.
First ever sugar beet pricing platform launched
16th December 2020
The platform will initially be tested by a pilot group of growers as part of a year-long pilot programme.