Control high biomass, competitive weeds in uncompetitive maize

With the development of better maize varieties to suit our climate, the need for additional break crops, a shortage of forage and more recently the development of AD plants for green energy, the area of maize in the UK has increased to 224,000 ha in 2018 according to Defra’s latest agricultural census.

Xarvio Digital Farming Solutions launches Scouting app for farmers in the UK​

Using instant photo recognition, algorithm and data sharing technology, the free xarvio™ Scouting app enables growers and agronomists to accurately identify weed and disease threats in their fields via their smartphones.

Is ferric phosphate a force to be reckoned with?

With the phase out of metaldehyde-based pellets for the control of slugs, many growers and agronomists are now actively looking to switch to ferric phosphate products this autumn.

Seed treatment re-think required

As a result of neonicotinoid bans, growers may have to re-think their cereal agronomy strategies and use of seed treatments to ensure the best possible establishment and vigour this autumn, reports Heather Briggs.

Breeders deliver low bolters in new beet list

Seven new varieties have been added to the BBRO/BSPB 2020 Sugar Beet Recommended List; Advena KWS and Smart Janninka KWS from KWS UK, BTS 4100 from Limagrain UK and Vixen, Conger, Puffin and Lightning from SESVanderHave UK.

Grassweed Action : Battling against bromes

Bromes are the next national grass weed threat to come under Barrie Hunt’s integrated management spotlight in the fourth in our series of articles.

Oilseed rape gross margins remain head and shoulders above other break crops

New analysis of the predicted gross margins for winter break crops shows oilseed rape remains the most profitable.

One crop has seen demand grow by 500% across Europe

Since the passing of the Cannabis for Medicinal Use Act, demand for quality, safe medicines has grown by over 500%, and it’s projected to double again.

Don’t neglect fungicide programmes and timings

Even in times of low disease pressure late season fungicide programmes need to be well planned and timely is the advice from Hutchinsons technical director David Ellerton.

Prestigious award for young agronomist

Richard Harris, a 26-year-old agronomist from Bartholomews, has been awarded the prestigious BASIS Barrie Orme Shield for excelling in the Certificate in Crop Protection.

Do not revet to insurance sprays – the message from ADAS

Winter oilseed rape crops are flowering giving the familiar pretty patchwork effect across the country, but BASF Agronomy Managers have been taking a close look in the crops to see if it is as good as it looks.

United Oilseeds to outline why rape still warrants its place in the rotation

United Oilseeds will use the Cereals 2019 to meet UK growers and provide insight into the future of the rape in the arable rotation.

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