Trials show value of integrated approach amidst higher disease pressure
3rd July 2019
The value of using a robust fungicide programme and selecting varieties with good disease resistance has been clearly demonstrated in Hutchinsons trials near Carlisle.
Use Escolta for maximum yields
3rd July 2019
Favourable weather conditions have led to reports of foliar disease in sugar beet crops.
Revysol receives UK authorisation at vital time for growers
1st July 2019
The first product containing the active ingredient Revysol® has been authorised for use in the UK, giving farmers access to an important new cereal fungicide for their spray programmes in 2020.
BASF innovates in grapes
1st July 2019
BASF is well known in the industry for developing cost-effective solutions to help growers of smaller acreage crops such as fruit and vegetables.
Groundbreaking agronomy on display this summer at Suffolk trials site
28th June 2019
Farmers across East Anglia have a valuable opportunity to catch up with some of the most innovative agronomy in the arable sector at Agrovista’s new regional trials site near Framlingham,
Changing weather conditions heaps blight pressure on potato growers
18th June 2019
Farmers are facing challenging conditions in which to control late blight after Hutton Criteria disease warnings were declared in key potato-growing areas.
Defra to be challenged in High Court over metaldehyde ban
14th June 2019
Chiltern Farm Chemicals, one of the largest suppliers of molluscicides in the UK, has been granted permission to bring a judicial review of the decision before the High Court, with the view to declare the metaldehyde ban as unlawful.
Certis Europe to contribute to research on control of cabbage stem flea beetle
10th June 2019
The Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board (AHDB), the AgriFood Charities Partnership (AFCP) and Certis Europe BV are to fund a three-year PhD at Harper Adams University in the United Kingdom.
Green area duration essential for OSR growth
3rd June 2019
For maximum seed fill and yield in oilseed rape, expert advice is clear: the canopy should be kept green for as long as possible.
Picking out the top varieties for autumn sowing
3rd June 2019
A series of regional open days by leading agronomy firm Hutchinsons during June and July provides the ideal opportunity to see first-hand which varieties suit the climate, soil type, pest and disease pressure in your area.
Hybrid oilseed rape to increase market share in the next five years
3rd June 2019
Hybrid oilseed rape will dominate the UK market in the next five years with the rapid development of ‘drill and forget’ varieties focused on the UK’s need for more agronomically self-contained varieties, predicts Mike Mann of DSV UK.
Resources issued to guide management of mycotoxin risks
3rd June 2019
Rainfall-related mycotoxin risk assessment scores can now be calculated automatically, thanks to a new tool issued by AHDB.