Four-point plan for choosing the right cover crop
27th August 2019
Sowing a cover crop after harvest can be a great way of improving soil health and facilitating spring cropping, providing it is carefully tailored to field requirements, crop rotation and other site-specific conditions.
Wet harvest threatens crops – but they can be salvaged
27th August 2019
Persistent rain through August has left large acreages of cereals still unharvested across the UK, with many growers worried they will have to sacrifice crops.
Blight trials target application techniques
27th August 2019
In such a challenging season for potato blight, application techniques have shown the potential to make a significant difference in preventing disease infection and maintaining a cleaner, greener crop canopy.
Application deadline looming for metaldehyde reduction funding
21st August 2019
Farmers in the Severn Trent region have only got until 15 September 2019 to sign up to receive rewards of up to £5/ha for reducing metaldehyde levels in watercourses.
First OSR Harvest Results put yields below four-year average
21st August 2019
AHDB winter oilseed rape yield data from seven trials show that the average gross output value of the control varieties is 5.03t/ha, which is below the four-year average value of 5.24t/ha.
Top yields despite highest ever levels of TuYV
21st August 2019
Turnip Yellows Virus (TuYV) incidence in OSR has reached its highest level ever this season; but yields are protected by genetic resistance.
KWS Orwell yields well
21st August 2019
After an impressive performance that will be remembered as “one of the best crops of winter barley we’ve grown”, Ben Hipperson’s KWS Orwell has left helped ensure harvest 2019 proves to be another successful year.
Bridgeway boosts OSR potential
20th August 2019
Biostimulants could provide a much-needed solution to give crops that extra boost during establishment.
Careful planning to help prevent herbicide moving to water courses
15th August 2019
The Voluntary Initiative, an industry led programme which promotes responsible use of pesticides, has highlighted five key actions where careful planning by farmers and their agronomists can make a tangible difference in preventing five oilseed rape herbicides from reaching water courses.
Harvest Results show winter barley yields close to 5-year average
13th August 2019
The average treated yield of winter barley control varieties of (9.98t/ha) is close to the five-year average (10.02t/ha), reports AHDB.
Don’t be hasty ruling oilseed rape out of rotations
8th August 2019
Don’t be too hasty dropping winter oilseed rape (WOSR) from rotations based on short-term performance, says Mike Thornton, head of crop production for leading agronomy firm, ProCam.
Farmers move to improve pre-em applications
5th August 2019
A quarter of UK farmers have made changes to their spraying operations to get better performance from pre-emergence herbicide applications.