BYDV-resistant wheat to be launched

RAGT Seeds is to launch a winter wheat variety with a high level of resistance to barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) to the UK market next autumn, offering farmers an

Pre-em grass weed control offers value this autumn

As well as giving the best possible opportunity for stubble weed control ahead of winter cereal drilling, sufficient moisture in the ground will make including a permitted glyphosate in the

Five things to consider for black-grass control before drilling

Make the most of the time between harvest and drilling the next crop of wheat to plan to maximise black-grass control, and especially cultivation and establishment strategies. “It’s a key

Harvest Results: OSR yields just below the four-year average

Average treated gross output value of OSR control varieties is 5.22t/ha, which is just below the four-year average value of 5.27t/ha.

An essential start to any black-grass programme

The use of the residual herbicide Avadex Excel 15G has increased year on year for the past eight years and demand is expected to increase once again this autumn.

Cornish Fruit Farm Branches Out With Sustainable Housing Development

A new-build development forming part of an existing fruit farm in Cornwall will soon see more than fruit coming out of the ground, it will also be extracting heat.

Potato desiccation trials allay fears of diquat loss

Potato growers are very concerned about effective potato desiccation after the announcement banning the use of the broad-spectrum herbicide diquat.

Winter wheat RL Harvest Results ahead of five-year average

Further Harvest Results for AHDB Recommended Lists (RL) winter wheat trials show that yields are ahead of the five-year average.

First winter wheat RL Harvest Results 2019

The first Harvest Results for AHDB Recommended Lists (RL) winter wheat trials are reported with the average yield of control varieties standing at 12.50t/ha, ahead of the five-year average of 11.31t/ha.

Tips for managing and treating BYDV

Following the loss of neonicotinoid seed treatments, cereal growers must change the way they control barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV), with regular crop monitoring followed by the targeted application of a suitable pyrethroid insecticide forming the backbone of an effective aphid control strategy.

A strategy to reduce black-grass

The use of the residual herbicide Avadex Excel 15G has increased year on year for the past eight years and demand is expected to increase once again this autumn.

Impressive yields despite the flea beetle

Many crops across the region have yielded well or better than might have been expected, although, country wide, yields have undoubtedly shown considerable variation.

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