Volunteers needed to catch cereal aphids red-handed
9th October 2019
Cereal growers can learn about their fields’ aphid populations, if they get involved in a new research project.
Phoma treatment thresholds reached for some OSR crops
7th October 2019
Some winter oilseed rape may already have 10% of the crop affected by phoma, according to the leaf spot forecast for the disease.
Robot cuts chemical use by up to 95 per cent
4th October 2019
eyeSpot uses cameras to target individual weeds in vegetable fields and apply precise herbicide droplets with an ejector. This accurately fires treatment to the individual leaves of each weed, according to AHDB.
How to achieve the perfect balance of nutrients for your sugar beet
3rd October 2019
“UK sugar beet growers need more than ever to focus on their costs of production.” says Nik Johnson of JSE Systems in Lincolnshire.
Cover crops trial puts direct drills to the test
2nd October 2019
Ten leading drill manufacturers are taking part in a Farmacy trial in Lincolnshire to see how different machines perform when growing cover crops in the rotation.
Soft feed wheats challenge the dominant hard feed market
27th September 2019
Back in the spring, Limagrain UK’s arable technical manager Ron Granger challenged the perception that hard feed wheats have higher yields and quality over soft wheats.
Spring barley yields ahead of five-year average
25th September 2019
The average treated yield of spring barley control varieties (8.2 t/ha) is above the five-year average (7.6 t/ha), reports AHDB.
Triticale solution for drought-prone light land
19th September 2019
Shropshire-based arable farmer, Matthew Williams, grows 30 hectares of Securo winter Triticale on his lighter land, where wheat, barley and OSR have struggled in the past.
NFU Sugar and British Sugar announce 2020 sugar beet contract offer
18th September 2019
NFU Sugar and British Sugar have today announced both a one-year and three-year sugar beet contract terms for the 2020/21 crop and beyond.
Pre-em grass weed control offers value this autumn
16th September 2019
As well as giving the best possible opportunity for stubble weed control ahead of winter cereal drilling, sufficient moisture in the ground will make including a permitted glyphosate in the
Five things to consider for black-grass control before drilling
16th September 2019
Make the most of the time between harvest and drilling the next crop of wheat to plan to maximise black-grass control, and especially cultivation and establishment strategies. “It’s a key
Harvest Results: OSR yields just below the four-year average
16th September 2019
Average treated gross output value of OSR control varieties is 5.22t/ha, which is just below the four-year average value of 5.27t/ha.