Three-point checklist of heightened BYDV risks
29th October 2019
A rise in aphid numbers, coupled with the start of cereal drilling, has prompted agronomy firm ProCam to compile a three-point checklist of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) risk factors that could take on added significance as growers attempt to manage the problem without a neonicotinoid seed treatment this autumn.
Potato store managers can book one-to-one visits at BP2019
24th October 2019
The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) is offering free one-to-one potato store visits via its new Storage Network.
EU bans pesticide Thiacloprid after 383,000 sign petition
22nd October 2019
Today a qualified majority of EU governments voted against renewing the EU license for the neonicotinoid pesticide thiacloprid.
Final sales date for all desmedipham-containing products
21st October 2019
The Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD) has announced the final sales date for all desmedipham-containing products following the EU Commission’s decision to withdraw approval for the active substance. This means sugar
Don’t miss out on chlorothalonil for septoria and ramularia control next spring
16th October 2019
With sales of chlorothalonil due to finish on 20th November, this autumn will mark the last opportunity to buy this exceptionally useful active ingredient for use next spring prior to
Farmers offered free disposal of unwanted chemicals
15th October 2019
Farmers with unwanted, unlabelled or out-of-date chemicals lurking in their sheds and stores can get them safely disposed of free of charge, courtesy of United Utilities.
Manage black-grass risks in wet conditions
15th October 2019
Recent wet weather has caused the first flush of black-grass in many fields, but with wet weather continuing, it is also increasing the pressure on some growers to consider drilling sooner than perhaps planned.
Three new black-grass herbicides in development
14th October 2019
ADAMA Agricultural Solutions UK has announced that it is developing a new range of herbicides specifically aimed at controlling black-grass in cereals crops.
Sales of potato seed treatment Monceren stopped
14th October 2019
Bayer has decided to stop sales of the potato seed treatment Monceren (pencycuron) with immediate effect due to the uncertain regulatory future of the product, and the potential consequences for
Slug pellet offer returns after metaldehyde ban is overturned
11th October 2019
United Utilities has re-launched its slug pellet offer for farmers after a surprise decision by the High Court overturned a ban on pellets containing the chemical metaldehyde. The water company
Late drilling window still open – but correct variety choice is crucial to success
11th October 2019
For those who have opted to delay drilling their wheats this season, be it for black-grass management, being in a second wheat situation, for those who are drilling wheat after
Harvest Results: Spring barley yields ahead of five-year average
10th October 2019
The latest harvest results from AHDB show that the average treated yield of spring barley control varieties (8.11 t/ha) is above the five-year average (7.61 t/ha).