MARCH 2020
Insecticide-free regime defies flea beetle in North East
10th March 2020
Flea beetle pressures have grown markedly at Dunkirk Farm, Birtley, overlooking Gateshead’s Angel of the North, in recent seasons. Yet David Hankey continues to grow crops of OSR that rival winter wheat in their margin-earning. And he does so without using any insecticides.
MARCH 2020
Field Focus
10th March 2020
After what can only be described as unprecedented weather conditions over the past few months, our agronomists take stock of the situation and look to spring for salvation! Dominic Kilburn writes.
New pathotypes add further complexity to wheat rust population
5th March 2020
Recent changes to wheat rust disease resistance ratings might be associated with new pathotypes that have unique patterns of infection.
NFU20: Frustrations aired over three-crop rule
28th February 2020
Severe flooding across the country in recent weeks formed a key part of discussions at the NFU Conference this week, with particular concerns raised about the three-crop rule.
Scotland’s arable farmers may have the winning hand
25th February 2020
At a packed Scottish Agronomy technical conference, Scotland was hailed as a beacon of opportunity for arable farmers.
Three crop rule derogation urgently needed to manage flood impacts
24th February 2020
With thousands of farmers across the country battling floods after Storm Dennis and unable to get onto their land to plant crops, farming organisations from across the UK have asked for an urgent relaxation of the three crop rule.
Spring oilseed rape interest grows in spring 2020
24th February 2020
For a growing number of farmers, spring oilseed rape seed (SOSR) is being bought, being seen as a viable option because it provides a break crop option and it isn’t susceptible to Cabbage Stem Flea Beetle (CSFB).
Bespoke cover crop solutions to improve soils
24th February 2020
Hutchinsons has unveiled a new range of tailor-made cover crop mixes that includes options which could help improve the structure and health of land left fallow this spring.
Fogging Contractors confirm last date for CIPC application
24th February 2020
At a recent meeting of the NAAC Post Harvest Treatment Group, contractors and self-applicators endorsed the AHDB/Industry position that the last date for application of CIPC will be 31st July 2020, meaning that NO applications will be made to the 2020 crop.
Combining peas top the gross margin table for spring cropping
21st February 2020
For growers considering their spring cropping in the context of a difficult autumn followed by a wet spring, combining peas top the table of gross margins and are a top choice for the right grower on the right land.
Winter wheat grass weed threat needs urgent attention
20th February 2020
Significant populations of grassweeds, including ryegrass and brome, threaten winter wheat yields this year after farmers struggled to implement robust herbicide programmes in the autumn.
Cereals 2020 tickets on sale
18th February 2020
Tickets are now on sale for Cereals 2020, with early bird prices of just £15 and group discounts available.