Timely addition of BCN tolerant LACEWING to sugar beet Recommended List
20th March 2020
Sesvanderhave is pleased to announce the addition of its variety Lacewing, which offers tolerance to the increasing Beet Cyst Nematode menace, to the British Beet Research Organisation/ British Society of Plant Breeders Recommended List for 2020/21.
BTS 1915 tops the 2021 BBRO Recommended List
20th March 2020
Yielding a massive 5% more than any other variety on the 2021 BBRO Recommended List, BTS 1915 leads the pack, with an adjusted tonne yield of 108.1% and a high sugar content of 17.7%.
New season, new approach to disease control in wheat crops
19th March 2020
This year sees a double whammy of hurdles for wheat growers – the loss of previously relied-upon ag-chem, combined with delayed drilling due to the weather means that strategies need to change this year.
Wins all round from water volume trials
19th March 2020
Optimum fungicide performance can be achieved at lower water volumes, providing you make the right choices when it comes to nozzle type and sprayer set up.
Entry is now open for the 2020 Pea & Bean Yield Enhancement Networks (YENS)
19th March 2020
PGRO and ADAS announce that entry is now open for both Pea YEN 2020 and Bean YEN 2020, and are inviting growers to join and take the next step towards achieving their yield potential.
New Ag-Chem for spring 2020 season
19th March 2020
With a significant loss of key actives in 2019, Farmers Guide took a look at the results of a new powerful triazole which could boost your spring spraying armoury.
Risk-based sclerotinia sprays are good for the bottom line
13th March 2020
Information on oilseed rape (OSR) growth stage, sclerotinia pressure and weather-based infection risk can help reduce sprays and improve spray timing, according to AHDB research.
Potato trials reinforce value of variety choice
12th March 2020
With planning underway for the 2020 potato season, results from the Hutchinsons Fenland demonstration in Suffolk have provided a timely reminder of how important careful variety selection is for managing key agronomic challenges.
Increased risk of virus yellows in beet crops this spring
10th March 2020
With few frosts to speak of this winter, and evidence of aphid populations building over the past few years, in all likelihood there will be high levels of infestation this spring and with that an increased risk of virus yellows spreading into sugar beet crops. Dominic Kilburn writes.
Caring for compromised wheat
10th March 2020
Challenging conditions last autumn are now presenting growers with difficult decisions for spring. Many might be considering what to do with, and how much to spend, on winter crops although nursing them through to harvest will be the aim of most.
MARCH 2020
Maximising value from spring oilseed rape
10th March 2020
With the area of UK-grown spring oilseed rape potentially as high as 60,000ha this year compared with around 10,000ha usually, what are the key management areas new growers should focus on?
MARCH 2020
Smallest OSR harvest for 25 years predicted
10th March 2020
A survey on the impact of cabbage stem flea beetle on oilseed rape crops in 2019-20, insecticide resistance and beneficial insects were some of the key items discussed at the AICC annual technical conference recently.