Covid-19: Suppliers coping well but markets are uncertain

After a much busier spring than was expected in the current circumstances, new season fertiliser campaigns are on the horizon while the wheat markets are looking a little more tricky.

Supporting British manufacturing

Bringing together equipment from manufacturers in Devon, Somerset, Lincolnshire and Suffolk, Evans and Pearce says it is proud of the grain cooling systems it has brought to the market over the past 50 years. No matter your preference for cooling grain this harvest, Evans and Pearce has systems to suit a range of situations.

Testing decisions for black-grass viability

Cereal growers are being urged to spray off patches infested with black-grass now, before more plants set viable seed. The stress of hot dry weather has brought forward seed maturity, with viability set to accelerate over the next few weeks.

Kingshay launch ultimate guide to forage crop selection

Independent dairy specialists have released a report on the economics of an extensive range of forage crops. The Kingshay 2020 Forage Costings report, now accessible online, contains useful information to support with forage crop selection.

Claydon’s Virtual Open Day highlights the importance of soil health

“The future viability of the agricultural sector will depend on growers embracing more environmentally and financially sustainable crop production systems,” farmer and strip seeding pioneer Jeff Claydon, emphasised during the filming of a Virtual Open Day at the Claydon factory.

Maximise protein levels in milling wheat to secure higher revenue

A poor drilling window and prolonged dry spell this spring has resulted in many farms suffering from lower potential wheat yields this year. As a result, growers are looking to derive as much value as possible from every tonne of wheat.

Grain Industry makes moves to improve Health and Safety of Grain Sampling

The grain industry has for some time been working to improve the safety of “on farm” grain sampling and how samples are taken.

Farmers create radish rainbow to thank NHS

Growers in Norfolk have found a unique way to thank NHS workers for their bravery during the Covid-19 pandemic, by creating a rainbow out of radishes.

Timely extra strength for Clearfield growers

The arrival of a new generation of Clearfield varieties offering improved performance and reliability will be particularly welcome to growers needing to keep on top of cruciferous weeds and ensure the most robust establishment and early crop development this autumn.

Blowfly risk rises to ‘medium’ in some regions

The risk of blowfly strike has now risen to ‘medium’ in parts of southern and central England, according to real-time updates produced by Elanco and the National Animal Disease Information Service (Nadis).

Give spring cereals a nutrition boost

Spring-sown cereals that have struggled to establish in the dry conditions through April and May could be given a much-needed boost with targeted foliar nutrition, says leading agronomy firm Hutchinsons.

British strawberry season commences early

Warmer and sunnier April weather has meant that the season has started around a week earlier this year and strawberry lovers can now buy their favourite British fruit in supermarkets (in-store and online) around the country.

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