Arable farmer warns food security could be under threat
21st July 2020
A Cambridgeshire arable farmer has raised concerns about food security amid government proposals to take thousands of hectares out of food production to plant trees.
Against all odds, UK blackcurrant crop looks set for a good harvest
20th July 2020
As this year’s blackcurrant harvest begins this month, the British growers’ association, The Blackcurrant Foundation, reports on a challenging growing season but on a positive note its exciting future investment into climate-resilient varieties.
#YourHarvest campaign to show value of crops sector
20th July 2020
The NFU is kick starting its #YourHarvest campaign today and this year arable farmers are being asked to reach out to the public and MPs through social media to highlight the importance a thriving crops sector in Britain.
Follow the label when using Forefront T
17th July 2020
Farmers using Forefront T to control perennial weeds such as docks, thistles, ragwort and nettles to turn infested pasture back into productive grassland, must remember treatment comes with certain obligations.
Drones speed up crop walking
16th July 2020
Skippy Scout is a crop monitoring application that uses drones to automatically capture images to offer arable farmers vital broad acre crop insight.
Start early to build foundations for higher yields
15th July 2020
As the end of a difficult 2019/20 season nears, thoughts turn to how to maximise yield potential of next year’s winter wheat.
Blight fungicide gets emergency approval
15th July 2020
The Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD) has approved the use of Funguran Progress to control late blight in organic potato crops.
Challenging weather sees switch to spring cropping
10th July 2020
The 2020 AHDB Planting and Variety Survey has revealed a large swing to spring cropping due to poor autumn conditions.
Annual Great British Pea week returns for the fifth year
6th July 2020
Britain’s annual pea harvest takes place each year from June – August, marking the busiest part of the season for the UK pea industry. Great British Pea Week (6th – 12th July 2020), now in its fifth year, celebrates the UK pea season and champions the industry that works around the clock each summer to deliver frozen peas to the nation.
AHDB estimates show small drop in potato planted area
3rd July 2020
The UK planted area for potatoes has held up despite a turbulent season for growers, according to the AHDB.
Farmers given LEAF demo farm status for sustainability
30th June 2020
Sustainable farming organisation LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming) has recently welcomed two new demonstration farms, recognising them as centres of excellence for sustainable farming.
How well do you know your wheat markets?
29th June 2020
Breeders Limagrain UK have run a short and fun online quiz to find out what British farmers really know about their wheat markets and varieties.