Accounting for heavy rainfall when planning nitrogen applications
19th February 2021
Crops got off to a good start in autumn due to favourable establishment conditions. However, as Natalie Wood, Country Arable Agronomist at Yara, warns, higher rainfall levels in December and January may well have caused issues below the surface that you should be aware of when planning for first applications of nitrogen.
Company celebrates 45 years of UK and global business success
19th February 2021
The Omex Group is celebrating 45 years of serving a growing world population with sustainable food, energy and water. It has become a dynamic group of companies specialising in complex liquid formulations for use in industries ranging from agriculture to energy.
Boron deficiencies in oilseed rape could pose a threat this spring
18th February 2021
As wet and cold weather continues to challenge growers over winter, boron deficiency could pose a significant threat to the promising oilseed rape (OSR) crops this spring.
Cereals offers early bird tickets for free
16th February 2021
Cereals 2021 is offering free early bird tickets for visitors who register before the end of March, enabling people to finally look forward to a physical event.
Now is the time to monitor your soil for greater sustainability
16th February 2021
UK soils have changed greatly in the last few decades. 97% of sampled soils show sulphur deficiency and low organic matter levels are commonplace across arable land. How can we monitor our soils to ensure a robust sustainable practice while, at the same time, promoting higher yields?
The perfect multi-site partner for spring fungicide programmes
15th February 2021
As a multi-site inhibitor, Arizona (500g/l folpet) is the ideal addition to cereal fungicide programmes this spring thanks to its ability to boost yields by providing cost effective efficacy against septoria, rhynchosporium and ramularia.
FEB 2021
Partnership means high-spec cost-effective solutions
12th February 2021
With over 70 years’ experience in manufacturing bulk materials handling, drying and storage equipment, Perry of Oakley Ltd provides high quality machinery to a wide variety of industries, including farms, commercial grain stores, waste and aggregate industries, feed and pet food, pharmaceutical and biomass industries, and many others.
FEB 2021
New seed treatment enables rapid growth and emergence in sugar beet trials
10th February 2021
A new seed treatment, launched in November 2020 at the digital CropTec show, is demonstrating impressive sugar beet yield improvements and substantially reduced dirt tare, in on-going trial programmes.
Yield-topping oilseed rape hybrid demonstrates breakthrough sclerotinia tolerance trait
8th February 2021
The first ever winter oilseed rape variety with a claim for tolerance to the stem disease sclerotinia has been launched by Pioneer, the seed brand of Corteva Agriscience.
FEB 2021
‘World’s most comprehensive’ online soil health guide launched
7th February 2021
An online soil guide aiming to become the world’s most comprehensive resource to help farmers improve soil health and increase the efficiency and profitability of their businesses has been launched.
Arable industry joins together to fight cabbage stem flea beetle
5th February 2021
A cross-industry taskforce is calling for UK oilseed rape growers to join an ambitious on-farm monitoring and trials programme in the war against cabbage stem flea beetle.
FEB 2021
Temperature – more important than moisture?
5th February 2021
Pest control expert and Dealey managing director Martin Cobbald says when it comes to insect pests, temperature is key.