April 2021
Sprout control in potato stores: Practical solutions for getting the best out of ethylene and mint oil
14th April 2021
AHDB Potatoes recently hosted a free webinar on best practice for the current available sprout suppressants. Rachel Hicks reports.
Growers encouraged to complete the planting and variety survey
14th April 2021
The AHDB Planting and Variety Survey is to provide the earliest view of Great Britain’s planted area for the upcoming harvest.
Cold spell delays maize planting
13th April 2021
Average soil temperatures are too low for drilling maize just yet warns Simon Preece, Corteva Promoter in SW England and South Wales. The recent dry weather means the land is workable but don’t be tempted to drill in the open for at least another week or two.
New web-based service reveals UK locations of yellow rust
13th April 2021
A new web-based service to help UK wheat growers and agronomists stay a step ahead of unpredictable yellow rust outbreaks is being launched by Syngenta.
Offering growers high performance and environmentally sustainable products all under one umbrella
12th April 2021
In recent years, ICL UK (formerly Cleveland Potash) has successfully expanded its product offering from traditional potash and phosphate fertilisers to produce and launch a range of ICL FertilizerpluS products that include; Granular Polysulphate, ICL-PotashpluS and ICL-PKpluS into the UK market. This range of products is all based around the inclusion of Polysulphate (polyhalite) which is a multi-nutrient sulphate fertiliser produced exclusively in the UK at Boulby Mine in the North Yorkshire Moors.
PGRO urges growers to fulfil yield potential through Pea and Bean YEN programmes
5th April 2021
Pulse growers are being invited to take the next step towards growing better crops as the Pea and Bean Yield Enhancement Network (YEN) initiatives run by ADAS open for 2021.
LAMMA 2022
Looking to the future with confidence
5th April 2021
H K Timbers Ltd is a manufacturer of high-quality timber storage boxes for potatoes and many other vegetables, as well as general storage boxes.
New active approved in the fight against Septoria
3rd April 2021
Corteva Agriscience has announced that the UK has approved the registration of a product with the cutting edge Inatreq active molecule.
“Ground-breaking success” for hybrid crop trials
1st April 2021
Scientists are reporting a breakthrough in efforts to cultivate ‘interstellar’ crops, as a team of astro-biologists and botanists successfully grow a new hybrid crop species in simulated Martian soils.
Verticillium resistance ratings for extra OSR reliability
31st March 2021
It may have been eclipsed by cabbage stem flea beetle concerns of late, but minimising the significant threat posed by verticillium alongside phoma and light leaf spot remains very much on the agenda for those keen to improve the reliability of UK oilseed rape production.
April 2021
Working towards durable pest and disease resistance
30th March 2021
Erosion of resistance genes is a major concern, and with a declining plant protection toolbox, scientists, breeders, agronomists and farmers are working together to try to catch a moving target. Farmers Guide spoke to an agronomist, a breeder and a researcher to find out what is being done to help the industry – Heather Briggs reports.
Nail yellow rust early this season
30th March 2021
Yellow rust levels are currently high across the country with infections set to rise over the next few weeks, meaning that growers should be prepared and ready to protect crops from this potentially devastating disease.