Harvest 2021
Second slowest start to winter wheat harvest in last eight years
23rd August 2021
Catchy weather conditions mean farmers are having to roll out the combines at every available opportunity in order to bring in this year’s winter wheat harvest, while winter barley and OSR are almost complete.
What are your post-harvest plans?
23rd August 2021
It’s easy to be captivated by the rush of combines and trailers but a strong post-harvest plan can make or break a successful harvest.
AUG 2021
Conservation ag research shows sustainable route
21st August 2021
Conservation agriculture crop establishment techniques can deliver up to 18 per cent uplift in growers’ net profits, whilst also providing significant enhancement of key environmental and ecological measures, according to the latest findings of the Syngenta Sustainable Farming Initiative.
Match OSR varieties more carefully to sowing slot this autumn
16th August 2021
A much wider oilseed rape sowing window as growers adopt different strategies to deal with cabbage stem flea beetle makes it more important than ever that they choose varieties with the right characteristics for their particular drilling slot, insists Dekalb technical specialist, Richard Williams.
AUG 2021
Combining regenerative ag with diverse income streams
14th August 2021
Ben Taylor-Davies, aka RegenBen, spoke at Groundswell this year. He discussed how the main focus of his farm is giving something to the next generation.
£1.8m in funding to fight Flea beetle
13th August 2021
Researchers working to combat a devastating pest of oilseed rape have been supported by a fresh injection of funds. Being given £1.8m in funding to fight Flea beetle and protect crops in an environmentally friendly way.
Ferric phosphate must be key player in ICM programmes
12th August 2021
With the phasing out of metaldehyde and a wet season farmers may need to update their programme to stay ahead of slugs. According to the latest tests ferric phosphate must be key player in ICM programmes.
The T24 applicator – a multi-purpose broadcaster
12th August 2021
The recent rise in wet summer weather is the ultimate breeding ground for slugs, so Farmers Guide took a look at Bullock Tillage’s slug pellet applicators for drills and ATVs.
Improving oilseed establishment this autumn
11th August 2021
Oilseed rape lost appeal for some farmers following the banning of neonics and issues arising from cabbage stem flea beetle attacks. However, prices are on the rise, and many are now considering whether oilseed might be a worthwhile investment.
Essex farm teams up with The Prince’s Countryside Fund to say – thank you, farmers
11th August 2021
Founded by HRH The Prince of Wales in 2010, The Prince’s Countryside Fund (PCF) is the only UK-wide charity that empowers family farms and rural communities to ensure their future.
Alternaria now a significant threat
9th August 2021
Alternaria used to be a minor disease. But for some potato crops in the UK, it’s now a significant threat that can cause substantial yield loss. According to guests of the latest ‘Perfecting Potatoes Together’ podcast, the likelihood of infection has risen sharply in recent weeks as a number of risk factors have come together.
AUG 2021
Practical steps towards better OSR results this autumn
7th August 2021
With oilseed rape prices significantly higher than this time last year, there could be more of the crop going into the ground this autumn. But before making a final decision, Hutchinsons’ regional director James Short urges growers to think carefully about how they will get crops to perform well amidst the many establishment challenges.