Nestlé Cereals to support UK farmers adopting regen ag practices
15th June 2022
The Nestlé Wheat Plan, launching today (15th June), is an innovative sustainable farming initiative through which the business is forming partnerships with British wheat farmers to support the adoption of regenerative agriculture practices.
Luximo herbicide active substance approved in GB
14th June 2022
BASF has received approval in Great Britain for its new active substance, Luximo, and the product containing this active, Luxinum Plus. This provides a new mode of action against grassweeds and a vital tool for controlling black-grass and Italian ryegrass, Britain’s most challenging arable weeds.
Agri-tech projects aim to support farmers
13th June 2022
The challenges farmers face on a daily basis are being tackled through a range of game changing agri-tech projects and innovations.
Make the most of OSR with pod shatter resistance
6th June 2022
Using pod shatter resistance in oilseed rape to positively manage its harvesting could add as much to the crop’s bottom line as the best disease control this season. What’s more, it need not cost anything more than a little extra care and attention.
Cereals 2022: What to look out for this year
1st June 2022
Cereals is blazing a trail of innovation this year with lots of new machinery, technology and techniques to help farmers push ahead with their businesses. Organisers offer a round-up of fresh developments to look out for.
Benchmarking essential to beat ongoing volatility
1st June 2022
Knowing that farm security was about more than just producing high yielding crops, Andrew Ward set about benchmarking every part of his business several seasons ago. Now he and his team of Ruben Sampson and Tom Hyland are going a stage further with a carbon audit with the NFU.
Farm scale trials: Adding value financially and environmentally to the farm business
1st June 2022
Hutchinsons Helix farms provide a regional ‘test-bed’ for ideas and technologies which are generated through the national Helix programme. Rachel Hicks visited Helix East Anglia in May to discuss the current focuses, including nutrient usage efficiency, wheat blends and endophyte seed treatments.
Openfield boosts customer service with major investment in transport fleet
24th May 2022
Openfield is investing heavily in its transport fleet and driver recruitment to improve grain and input deliveries at a time when heavy haulage is under immense pressure.
Investigations underway following reports of possible damage to sprayer components
24th May 2022
Corteva Agriscience UK is investigating reported complaints of damage on some sprayer components when the tank mix being applied includes products containing Inatreq active. The main area of concern appears to be centred around diaphragms and nozzle O-rings.
Stay vigilant against yellow rust at T2
20th May 2022
As the T2 spray timing for crops approaches, growers are advised to stay vigilant against yellow rust to maximise yield potential.
Top tips for spring grass management
19th May 2022
Against a back drop of rising input costs, farmers need to look at maximising the output from their grassland by focusing on a few key agronomy management practices, is the advice from Jim Clark, Carlisle-based agronomist with Hutchinsons.
Natural fertilisers – the key to reducing on farm carbon footprint?
9th May 2022
As a farmer, you’d have to have been living under a rock for the past few years not to notice the intense pressure the agricultural industry is coming under to reduce its carbon footprint.