AHDB Horticulture provides vital Diamondback moth control

A new 120 day EAMU (Extension of Authorisation for Minor Use) has been authorised for ‘Benevia 10OD’ for use as an insecticide on Brussels sprout, broccoli, calabrese, cabbage and cauliflower

Avadex is the starter herbicide for a black-grass programme

Crop Production Specialist for Frontier Agriculture Ltd, Dr Paul Fogg, says that herbicide programmes in trials this year generally worked well, but he acknowledged that the mild and wet winter had

Early sowing of winter wheat – maximising the potential?

The early sowing of wheat has possibly lost favour and indeed is frowned upon by many growers and agronomists who have moved away from this concept due to ever increasing

Harvest Results – 5th September

The latest sets of harvest results have been released by AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds with an update on winter wheat and spring barley.

Harvest Results – 30th August

Harvest results for the latest six AHDB Recommended Lists (RL) winter wheat trials bring the average yield to 10.70t/ha.

Weed wiper keeps black-grass at bay

The fight against black-grass continues unabated with astonishing levels of infestation across much of the country. Experts recommend that the key to reducing these massive black-grass populations for next year

Confident in your OSR drilling date?

With the later start to the season experienced by growers this year and unpredictable weather, harvest is running late for many. The knock-on effect is that oilseed rape (OSR) drilling

Switch to KWS Lili raises appeal of UK wheat abroad

As analysts in France revise down their expectations for the country’s milling wheat harvest, UK traders are eyeing export opportunities to North Africa. The extent of the UK’s ability to

Pesti-wise initiative shows early success

A voluntary scheme between a water company and farmers targeted at specific river catchment areas, has significantly reduced the levels of metaldehyde and other pesticides in river waters. Pesti-wise is

Zero tolerance approach to black-grass vital

Arable farmers in East Anglia have been battling black-grass for a number of years, but it is perhaps more important now to adopt a zero-tolerance strategy on black-grass to safeguard winter wheat and oilseed rape crop production.

Harvest Results – 22nd August

Harvest results for the first three AHDB Recommended Lists (RL) winter wheat trials report average yields of 10.57t/ha, which is very close to the five-year average of 10.59t/ha.

Fast desiccation cuts tuber blight spread

With blight endemic in this season’s potato crops means growers and agronomists will have to pay greater attention to fast desiccation this season, to minimise infection spread to tubers, warns

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