Remain vigilant against aphids carrying BYDV
15th November 2016
Winter cereal growers are being urged to remain vigilant against aphid vectors of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) after the mild start to autumn – especially when growing crops with
What’s your potato storage strategy?
15th November 2016
As industry figures indicate that demand for potatoes in the UK is on the rise, growers are being urged to maintain robust store management strategies, to preserve crop quality this autumn.
OSR set for lowest area for 13 years
15th November 2016
Results from the AHDB Early Bird Survey show that Great Britain is on course for another decline in the oilseed rape (OSR) area, to the lowest area in 13 years,
Pearl extends the UK parsnip season
15th November 2016
Elsoms Seeds, plant breeder, seed supplier and seed treatment specialist, has developed a new late maturing F1 hybrid parsnip variety, Pearl, that significantly extends the UK parsnip season. Pearl,
Light leaf spot disease risk high for most GB regions, says forecast
15th November 2016
The autumn light leaf spot (LLS) forecast shows that the risk of LLS development in GB winter oilseed rape (WOSR) is high for the third year running.
A comprehensive review of nutrient management
15th November 2016
AHDB has published findings of an extensive review of the Fertiliser Manual RB209, which will form the basis of a new edition of the guide to be released next May.
Diamondback moth resistant to pyrethroids
15th November 2016
Further evidence of pyrethroid resistance in Diamondback moths (DBM) has been uncovered by a new study. Three DBM samples, from Lincolnshire, Suffolk and Scotland, tested by researchers at Rothamsted Research
Farm trials support efficacy of ferric phosphate
2nd November 2016
On-farm field trials, carried out to raise awareness of pesticides in water, have highlighted the efficacy of ferric phosphate as a viable alternative to managing slug populations.
Farm slug control trial provides confidence
2nd November 2016
The value of on-farm trials is becoming increasingly important for arable farmers in providing them with confidence in product performance at farm level. For one arable farmer in Cambridgeshire, this
Think soil conditions, think water for OSR herbicides
2nd November 2016
Oilseed rape growers, hoping to make the most of the crop to tackle black-grass, are being urged by the Voluntary Initiative (VI) to think carefully before applying autumn herbicides. “The
Scientists solve 60 year old septoria mystery
25th October 2016
A new paper from scientists at the John Innes Centre in Norwich explains why plant breeders have found it difficult to produce wheat varieties which combine high yield and good
Take early chance to stop TuYV transmission
17th October 2016
Numbers of Myzus persicae aphids being caught in Rothamsted monitoring is running seven times higher than this time last year, and currently ahead of the serious risk year of 2014.