Be aware of sclerotinia risk

OSR plots tested in Herefordshire, Wales and the south west have revealed that between 80-100% of petals have tested positive for Sclerotinia.

Growers are being urged to check crops for mildew

Former AICC chairman Patrick Stephenson is seeing plenty of mildew, in both winter barley and wheat.

Dutch research gives new hope for potato virus control

The UK seed potato sector loses an estimated £18m from potato viruses annually, a cost that could be dramatically reduced by one small change to spray programmes, according to research

Powdery mildew alert

Growers are warned to stay vigilant for signs of powdery mildew in wheat and barley crops this spring. With the relatively mild winter, the disease has already been seen in

Alternaria protection added

A new approval for Amistar is set to better protect potato crops from Alternaria that can decimate green leaf area in the summer months. With Amistar foliar treatments targeted specifically

Tailor well-timed T0 sprays to combat disease threat

Wheat growers are advised to walk their crops carefully before applying T0 sprays to ensure they match chemistry to disease threat and apply the spray at the right time. “The

Avoid complacency with early disease and nutrient deficiency risks

A worrying yellow rust presence, coupled with susceptible varieties and the appearance of manganese deficiency, mean winter wheat crops need checking regularly over coming weeks, a leading crop expert is urging.

New herbicide unveiled

Dow AgroSciences has today unveiled a brand new cereal herbicide which will deliver UK growers unparalleled control of key broad-leaved weeds in both the autumn and spring.

Fungicide set for flying start

Newly introduced to the UK by Sipcam for the 2017 season, Perseo is a combination of chlorothalonil and azoxystrobin for disease control in cereals at growth stages T0–T3. Trial results

Spring spraying is a time to BeeConnected

As farmers begin to think about their spring spraying programmes they are being encouraged to sign up for BeeConnected, a new way for farmers to inform beekeepers of their intention

Be ready to target cleavers and thistles in oilseed rape

Reports of cleavers coming through early autumn herbicide applications plus the likelihood of thistles and mayweeds add up to a need for a targeted post-emergence herbicide to tidy crops up

Regional split for 2017 OSR area

The English area of oilseed rape, as at 1 December 2016, is estimated at 538Kha. This is 1% lower than the total (winter and spring) harvested area in 2016 (543Kha), reports AHDB.

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