Fungicide set for flying start
10th March 2017
Newly introduced to the UK by Sipcam for the 2017 season, Perseo is a combination of chlorothalonil and azoxystrobin for disease control in cereals at growth stages T0–T3. Trial results
Spring spraying is a time to BeeConnected
10th March 2017
As farmers begin to think about their spring spraying programmes they are being encouraged to sign up for BeeConnected, a new way for farmers to inform beekeepers of their intention
Be ready to target cleavers and thistles in oilseed rape
10th March 2017
Reports of cleavers coming through early autumn herbicide applications plus the likelihood of thistles and mayweeds add up to a need for a targeted post-emergence herbicide to tidy crops up
Regional split for 2017 OSR area
10th March 2017
The English area of oilseed rape, as at 1 December 2016, is estimated at 538Kha. This is 1% lower than the total (winter and spring) harvested area in 2016 (543Kha), reports AHDB.
Spring barley strategy key to malting quality
10th March 2017
After poor winter barley yields, the scene is set for spring barley to rise in popularity. This means growers will be thinking about establishment strategies, fungicide programmes, and how to deal with the challenges ahead.
Last OSR herbicide application date reminder
23rd February 2017
Farmers and sprayer operators need to ensure that applications of carbetamide are applied by the latest application date of 28th February advises the Voluntary Initiative (VI). The current mild and
Growers better equipped to manage diamondback moth outbreaks
21st February 2017
Growers are better equipped than before to deal with outbreaks of diamondback moth (DBM), as baselines for their susceptibility to chemical control have now been identified. But the UK industry
Early fungicides help crops reach potential
21st February 2017
Growers are choosing several different wheat varieties in order to spread risk and increase their chances of maximising gross margin potential, but many of them are mildew susceptible. Therefore to
Grain pest treatment MRL reduced
21st February 2017
The commonly used insecticide deltamethrin has been undergoing a new review process that sees its Maximum Residue Level (MRL) reduced in some crops. The legislation change was announced on 13th
Secure your market in the face of surging spring plantings
21st February 2017
Focus on lower market risk opportunities in your spring cropping and secure your outlets as early as possible this season, advises Agrii.
SDHI insensitivities in UK net blotch isolates raise efficacy concerns
21st February 2017
Mutated UK net blotch isolates that are less sensitive to succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor (SDHI) fungicides have been detected at high enough frequencies to raise concerns about efficacy. The discovery was
T0 fungicide now “more important”
21st February 2017
Results of a new survey suggest that more than two thirds of farmers think a T0 fungicide in winter wheat has become more important now than five years ago. Carried