Pollen beetle migration begins

Two-thirds of the 83 UK weather stations monitored by the Bayer Pollen Beetle Predictor have had weather conducive to suggest pollen beetle migration has started, albeit at very low levels.

Red 24 now established in the UK wheat yellow rust population

Red 24 was first known to be present in the UK in 2016 and the group probably played a key role in the unexpected disease levels and revision of disease

Resist the temptation to rush spring barley drilling

Sowing spring barley into wet, cold soils will limit yield potential from the outset, so it is far better to wait for conditions to improve, leading agronomy firm Hutchinsons says.

Norfolk event examines the ‘agronomist of the future’

From tighter environmental regulations to weather extremes and changing disease threats, there are a host of commercial and technical challenges facing the arable sector that demand a new approach to

Crop protection podcast launched

Adama Agricultural Solutions UK Ltd (Adama) has launched a new podcast aimed at providing UK arable farmers and agronomists with the latest crop protection news and advice. The new ‘ArableAware’

Use spring barley as a break crop

In recent years, many farmers have moved away from a predominantly autumn based cropping plan and have introduced spring barley into their rotation. In the newly revised AHDB Planting Survey

Prepare for black-grass control after cold spell

Cold weather and snow has brought field work to a halt but once the Siberian conditions have passed, a busy period will kick off with post-emergence herbicide treatments in wheat.

Beet initiative offers Chilean trip for growers

To support growers intent on pushing sugar beet yields higher, Bayer says it is offering the chance of a trip to Chile for two growers making significant progress in raising

Trials shed new light on potential to boost sugar beet yield

Sugar beet growers looking to capitalise on the crop’s strong income potential by raising yields could make substantial gains by boosting leaf development with a combined early-season nutrition and plant growth stimulant programme, new trial findings by agronomy firm ProCam suggest.

Now is the time to test for potato cyst nematodes (PCN)

Get ready for the season ahead by testing for PCN now, says science research and innovation organisation Fera.  Potatoes cyst nematodes (PCN) are considered the most damaging pest of potato

T0 spray is the foundation of healthy crops

A well planned T0 fungicide should be the foundation to effective disease control in wheat crops this spring, agronomy firm Hutchinsons says.

Spring target for wild oat application

Better targeting of wild oat herbicide applications this spring could improve control of the increasingly prevalent and yield robbing weed. Timing to hit weeds early and adopting new application techniques

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