Know your varieties’ key agronomic strengths

Disease and grass weed management should be key drivers of wheat variety choice for many growers in 2018

Time fungicides to keep canopies disease-free

Protecting sugar beet crop canopies will be key to helping backward crops make the most of late-season sunshine

Agronomy Update – July 2018

Mid-June and many of Sam Patchett’s crops have caught-up remarkably well from the late spring

Field focus – July 2018

Nottinghamshire agronomist Andrew Wells reflects on what has been a manic season so far

Pre- and post-ems only one part of the long-term black-grass solution

Pre- and post-emergence herbicide applications are vital to the control of black-grass populations, but are only part of the solution when it comes to delivering a long-term answer to the

KWS Gimlet is a step-on for two-row barleys

Visitors to this year’s KWS stand at Cereals had the opportunity to inspect a new high-yielding winter barley from KWS.

Study finds vegetable supply could fall by more than a third by 2050

A new study suggests that vegetable supply could fall by more than a third globally by 2050 if more is not done to protect the environment. Despite previous research showing

Battle bus takes to road to fight black-grass

A black-grass battle bus will be on the road this summer in order to help growers combat black-grass. Headed by BASF, the largest chemical producer in the world, the aim of

Farmers prepare for the future at Cereals 2018

The next five to 10 years will bring unprecedented change to the farming industry, and while there are many issues that farmers can’t control, there is plenty they can do to prepare.

PGRO pest update

Pea moths have been recorded in some regions of the UK over the last few days and in some cases more than 10 moths in a single trap have been

Sclerotinia monitoring continues in carrots

Sclerotinia is a very serious disease of carrots, affecting yield and quality. Growers are able to use an effective fungicide such as Signum (pyraclostrobin + boscalid) at the right time

Top tips for selecting the right cereal variety for 2019

There are some exciting new varieties available to cereal growers this autumn, but think carefully about what’s right for your farm before ordering seed, agronomy firm Hutchinsons says. Understanding what

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