Record-breaking number of flood warnings issued in England last winter 

The number of flood warnings on England’s best farmland last winter hit a record high, exceeding the previous record by 20%. 

‘Wake-up call’: Defra’s data reveals impact of wettest 18 months on record

Defra has just revealed data that shows the disastrous impact of the wettest 18 months on record on UK vegetable and fruit production. 

New woodland boosts biodiversity and bolsters community spirit

Landowners Phil and Chelsea had been looking for the perfect woodland to buy – but the MOREwoods scheme by the Woodland Trust enabled them to plant their own instead.

Pea and bean field day to highlight pulses research

Farmers and agronomists are being welcomed to an open day at PGRO’s trial site in Lincolnshire.

Beer Day Britain: Cheers to beer and farmers producing its ingredients

Today marks Beer Day Britain. This annual celebration champions Britain’s national alcoholic drink and the hard-working farmers who produce its key ingredients. 

Chivas Brothers announced new agriculture programme supporting sustainable farming practices

A Scotch whisky producer partners with Scottish barley growers, fostering sharing and collaboration to reduce its carbon footprint and help building future of the industry. 

Find out how researchers aim to revolutionise onion farming   

Researchers at the University of Essex are aiming to revolutionise onion farming by growing the vegetable inside a shipping container in a bid to speed up growth and make the process better for the environment.

Licensing changes make it easier for farmers to grow hemp  

Defra has just announced changes that make it easier for farmers to grow hemp, maximising its economic and environmental potential. However, strict laws on cannabis remain in place.

How could SFI impact your pulse crops? 

Farmers entering Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) agreements are being advised to ensure that they fully understand the potential impact their decisions will have on future pulse crop rotations.

Paid-for opportunity for farmers to carry out pulse trials

UK pea and bean growers are being invited to become ‘pulse pioneers’ by contributing to a ground-breaking farmer-led research programme.

Ground-breaking research to tackle fusarium basal rot

Amidst growing concerns over the threat posed by fusarium basal rot (FBR), experts from the University of Warwick are embarking on a groundbreaking project, run by the British Onions Producer Agency (BOPA), aimed at saving the crop and revolutionising FBR detection.

Can British-grown ‘baked beans’ fill the break crop gap?

A Lincolnshire grower has successfully grown a crop of Capulet beans, which have been processed as UK-grown baked beans. Farmers Guide investigates what it takes to produce the crop and whether they have a future on British farms.

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