It pays off to preserve straw, experts advise

With UK wheat drillings having been reduced considerably by the wet autumn and spring, quality wheat straw for bedding will be at a premium, Harvest Tec experts predict. 

Quality wheat straw for bedding will be at a premium, Harvest Tec experts predict. and advise the use of preservatives such as Baler’s Choice.

They added that with prices considerably higher than last year, faced with catchy weather conditions, the use of preservatives such as Baler’s Choice could be a prudent option to ensure top-quality dust- and mould-free bales that can realise the current high values. 

With the total UK wheat area down 9.6% at 1.56 million hectares compared to 2023, according to AHDB, some of the UK’s main livestock areas can be hit the hardest. 

In the north west of England, plantings are down 20%, while the south west and Humberside are down 14%, the East Midlands are down 12%, and Scotland is down 8%. 

Figures from the British Hay & Straw Merchants Association show that barley and wheat straw prices have reacted accordingly, and at an average of £83 and £90/tonne ex farm, respectively, peaking at £90 and £120 in the South West, they are considerably up on last year’s values. 

Kverneland Headland News

Major challenge 

Harvest Tec said that while primarily used to preserve hay quality and avoid the risk of spontaneous combustion when baling at moisture contents above 15%, Baler’s Choice is just as effective in straw, especially in crops where the straw is still green while the heads are fit. If baled, green straw can result in wadding and moulds developing.  

The myco-toxins present in a dusty or mouldy bale can be a major challenge to the respiratory system, and in livestock, they can result in respiratory problems and loss of performance.  

Trials in straw bales baled at 21% found that if untreated, mould and yeast levels rose from 75 and 47 CFU’s/gram respectively, to 14,000,000 and 11,000,000 after being stored for just two months. 

Harvest Tec said that Baler’s Choice preservative is non-corrosive with a Ph of 6, meaning it is safe to handle and will not corrode machinery.  

Designed specifically for hay and straw, its ideal formulation ensures that hay and straw can be safely baled at higher moisture contents, the company said. 

Research conducted at Cranfield University has found that moisture contents can fluctuate by as much as 5% along a 100m swath, so while a crop may look dry, this often may not consistently be the case.  

Harvest Tec added that due to the Baler’s Choice applicator automatically monitoring the moisture content of the crop as it enters the chamber and applying the product  accordingly, this avoids hot spots being created, ensures a consistent product, and the ability to add value to bales and achieve a premium product, from £1.43 per bale. 

Baler’s Choice and Harvest Tec applicator systems are distributed in the UK by Harvest Tec, working in conjunction with Carrs Billington and Monarch Agri. 

Read more arable news. 

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