Harvest the benefits of biostimulant Bridgeway
13th March 2023
Protecting yield potential with a proven biostimulant will be crucial this spring to help crops put their roots down and make the most of precious nutrition, according to Stuart Sutherland, Technical Manager at Interagro.
“A lack of rain at the right time, lack of sunshine at the right time, and the poor availability of nutrients when crops need it, are key drivers for choosing a biostimulant, with over 5 years of independent trials showing clear benefits in using Bridgeway,” says Stuart.
Builds stronger more resourceful plants
Rooting research at Nottingham University has shown Bridgeway at 1 L/ha increases rooting by an average of 43% (n=6 projects), increasing the plant’s ability to capture water and nutrients.
What’s more, the research showed Bridgeway to be best in class on rooting and shoot growth when compared to other biostimulants of its type, namely Calibra Carbo, Terrasorb and AminoA Flo.
“The studies revealed that Bridgeway helps plants develop significantly bigger root and shoot systems when the resources they need are taken away,” explains Stuart.
“The work looked at the effect of Bridgeway on plants when nutrients were withdrawn, water was reduced and plants were subjected to temperature stress. Plants treated with Bridgeway grew significantly bigger root systems than untreated plants – by up to +49%. Shoot growth was increased by up to 27% over untreated plants.”
“Crucially, it means in a field situation, Bridgeway helps plants scavenge deeper in to the soil to find the moisture and nutrients they need when they are in short supply nearer the surface. And with more shoot biomass, light energy capture can be maximised.”
Getting more from your nitrogen
Studies at the university conducted in 2022 showed that reducing nitrogen beyond 60% can reduce root and shoot growth but Bridgeway helps plants compensate.
“Even at 30% N rate, Bridgeway treated plants had significantly more roots and shoots than untreated plants at 100% N, and 18% more nitrogen in their leaves.”
Above Left: Untreated winter wheat at 30% N; Right: Bridgeway treated winter wheat at 30% N.
At Barworth Agriculture in 2022, applying Bridgeway 2 L/ha at GS12-14 in spring barley increased yield by 0.76 t/ha at 100% N and 0.46 t/ha at 50% N.
Reducing the incidence of disease
Bridgeway supports the defence systems of plants. Trials at NIAB in 2020 and Prime Crop Research in 2021 and 2022 have shown evidence that Bridgeway helps reduce the incidence of disease when integrated in to early fungicide programmes in varieties with low-moderate disease resistance.
In the NIAB trials Septoria and yellow rust infection was significantly reduced when Bridgeway was applied at pre-T0, T0 or T1 in Gleam and Gravity.
At Prime Crop Research trials showed significant reduction in Septoria on leaves 2-4 in wheat varieties Wolverine, Gleam, Kerrin and Extase.
Stress tolerance & recovery
Keeping crops stress-free is crucial to protect yield potential and one of Bridgeway’s key selling points states Stuart. “There’s a lot of evidence now to show that adding Bridgeway to crop protection sprays helps safen application in stressful conditions. We’ve seen this with ethephon sprays at T2 where adding Bridgeway has reduced lodging and brackling.”
“We’ve also received customer feedback that it has helped prevent fertiliser scorch and crops recover from contaminated spray tanks,” adds Stuart.
Helps secure yield
We’ve got a lot of trials now in a range of crops showing yield benefits from using Bridgeway in the programme. It’s a no brainer in sugar beet, potatoes and veg. In cereals getting applications on early will help your crops benefit most.
For more information, to download the Bridgeway handbook and for technical support visit their website.