Harvest Results – 15th August

Winter barley yields are still low but improving after 14 trials, reports AHDB.

Winter barley yields still low but improving after 14 trials

Updated AHDB Harvest Results (15 August 2016) show that both treated and untreated winter barley yields are still down on the five-year average. However, the gap is closing following new data from Recommended List (RL) trials in Scotland, Lincolnshire and Yorkshire.

The overall yield average of 9.14t/ha for 2016 continues to show a pattern of lower yields compared to the five-year average of 9.36t/ha, but the reduction is now 0.22t/ha below average compared to 0.43t/ha below average at the last set of results. Untreated yields are also down, with the 2016 average currently 6.75t/ha, compared to the five-year value of 7.54t/ha. So far, the highest average 2016 yields have been achieved at Croft, Tibthorpe and Cawood in Yorkshire and at Fife.

Specific weights from a limited number of trials average just 66.3kg/hl, with significant variation between sites.

 Six-row feed varieties still holding strong against control variety yields

 In 2016, six-row feed varieties top the yields, with hybrids Bazooka and Belfry highest in the yield table (111% of the control varieties). Volume is also performing well at 105%.  KWS Meridian remains in trial as a six-row conventional variety control and has performed well at 108%. Candidate six-row varieties are also achieving good yields, with hybrid variety Sunningdale (109%) and six-row conventional Funky (106%) both yielding well. Of all the six-rows, Bazooka has the highest specific weight value to date at 67.0kg/hl, compared to an average of 66.3kg/hl.

Two-row malting varieties are judged more on their quality than outright yield. Based on 2016 information so far, Craft has performed well with a yield of 98% and a specific weight of 68.4kg/hl, while SY Venture and Talisman both have 94% yield and specific weights of 67.1 and 65.3kg/hl respectively. The two-row feed variety KWS Orwell is currently top of the two-rows at 106%, with Surge at 104%.

When selecting varieties for next season, the five-year average values give a better representation of performance across seasons. Looking at these, Bazooka tops the Recommended winter barley yield at 109% and Belfry at 108% for six-row hybrids. The two-row feed variety KWS Orwell achieves 104%, KWS Infinity and Surge 103%, while KWS Glacier and KWS Tower both yield 102% of the controls.

 Gross outputs for Winter OSR 0.75t/ha below the four-year average

With three additional trials harvested, updated AHDB Harvest Results (15 August 2016) for winter oilseed rape report (WOSR) information from six trials from Yorkshire to Kent.

The 2016 gross output value from these six trials is 4.69t/ha, 0.75 t/ha below the four-year average of 5.44 t/ha. There is variation in average gross output yields across the six sites, with Hereford achieving 5.51t/ha but Hampshire averaging just 3.96t/ha.

 For WOSR, yields are reported as a gross output, which is the seed yield adjusted for oil content. The values are represented as a percentage of the control varieties – PR46W21, DK Cabernet, PT211 and Trinity. Oilseed rape trials can be more variable than cereals and care must be taken when drawing conclusions on limited data. Currently, the higher-yielding varieties include Picto (113%), Campus (113%), Alizze (112%), Angus 112% and V316OL (112%).

 Four-year averages

 The 2016 gross output provides a good snapshot of this year’s variety performance. The four-year average values provide a better picture of variety performance over seasons.

Based on the four-year average values, the highest yielding varieties to date are Elgar (109%), Windozz (108%), Alizze (108%), Wembley (108%) and V316 OL (108%) while clubroot-resistant Mentor has a gross output of 101% and Amalie, which has resistance to turnip yellows virus (TuYV), 98%.

 Candidate performance

 Gross output values for the candidate varieties in 2016 – based on the limited information – show good yields from the conventional variety Flamingo (116%) and the restored hybrid variety Aquila (113%). The relative yields are however likely to change as more results are published.

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