Final sales date for all desmedipham-containing products
21st October 2019
The Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD) has announced the final sales date for all desmedipham-containing products following the EU Commission’s decision to withdraw approval for the active substance. This means sugar
The Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD) has announced the final sales date for all desmedipham-containing products following the EU Commission’s decision to withdraw approval for the active substance.
This means sugar beet growers intending to use Bayer’s current range of Betanal herbicides in 2020 have until the end of the year to order product as sales will no longer be permitted after 1 Jan 2020, says the company. Growers then have until 1 July 2020, which will cover the full season of use, to use up or dispose of any remaining stocks.
Desmedipham has been relied on to provide effective control of a range of weeds in beet crops since it was first introduced in combination with phenmedipham in Betanal products in 1968. Over time other actives, such as ethofumesate and lenacil, have been combined to expand and improve weed control, but desmedipham and phenmedipham have served as the core actives for efforts to deliver effective weed control.
Edward Hagues.
The European Commission’s decision means 2020 will be the last season for, among others, Betanal maxxPro (desmedipham + phenmedipham + ethofumesate + lenacil), Betanal Elite (desmedipham + ethofumesate + phenmedipham) and Betanal Turbo (desmedipham + phenmedipham).
“Betanal maxxPro has been widely used across Europe for many years. It’s use has provided robust weed control, flexibility of use and excellent crop safety,” says Edward Hagues, Bayer campaign manager for root crops.
“As market-leading products we know their withdrawal will be a blow to many growers who have relied on these Betanal products for their weed control in sugar beet. That’s why we have worked closely with our supply chain to help growers have the opportunity to use Betanal maxxPro in 2020,” he adds.
“Those wanting to maintain an effective and flexible approach to weed control in 2020 should ensure they have sufficient Betanal maxxPro in stock to meet their needs before the New Year as desmedipham-containing products cannot be sold after this time,” he says.