Give spring cereals a nutrition boost
17th May 2020
Spring-sown cereals that have struggled to establish in the dry conditions through April and May could be given a much-needed boost with targeted foliar nutrition, says leading agronomy firm Hutchinsons.
Get your T2 micronutrients and timing right to maximise wheat yields
14th May 2020
Using the right micronutrients at the right time is the most sure-fire way to maximise yields – especially considering the circumstances this year.
Micronutrients are more important than ever for resilient spring crops
25th April 2020
Following a miserable winter and dry beginning to spring, micronutrients will play a vital role in ensuring a resilient spring cereal crop – especially as recent data has shown high rates of deficiency.
Timely arrival of urea cargo will help meet rising UK demand
7th November 2018
One of the largest cargoes of urea fertiliser to arrive in the UK this season has been unloaded at ABP’s Port of Immingham. The 26,000t shipment, imported by international grain,