Defra consults on banning solid urea fertilisers

The government has launched a consultation on reducing ammonia emissions from solid urea fertilisers, to protect human health and the environment.

Light leaf spot risk lowest for several years, according to forecast

AHDB’s light leaf spot preliminary forecast shows that the disease risk to winter oilseed rape (OSR) ranks among the lowest recorded in recent years.

Striking the Right Balance with Winter Cereal Crops

Across the country 2020 yields suffered due to various weather issues, so many farmers will be keen to get their winter crops off to an early start in an effort to secure better yields next year. Consequently, many fields have already been sown with winter cereal crops.

Independent trials recognise best performing and most consistent bio-stimulants

Independent trials conducted in drought prone soils, comparing the performance of commonly used bio-stimulants on Skyfall winter wheat with a 50% fungicide programme, have found AminoA FLO to be one of the best performing and most consistent bio-stimulants in the study.

Bionature liquid nitrogen doubles OSR root length

Independent ADAS trials show that a balanced autumn Bionature liquid fertiliser regime doubles OSR root length.

Emergency authorisation for linseed desiccant secured

The industry is in a better position to protect the quality and yield of linseed seed crops this harvest, thanks to a new emergency authorisation of a desiccant secured by AHDB.

Alkalise spring barley in place of lost wheat

Livestock farmers who normally grow winter wheat as a feed crop for their cattle – but have different cereals in the ground this year – are being urged to consider post-harvest alkalisation to boost nutrient value.

Grower wants to lower inputs to change mind-sets

In a bid to change mind sets Suffolk farmer Brian Barker wants to see how far he can lower inputs whilst boosting crop yields and profit margins.

Sowing for Peak Performance

Helping to build the foundations of your future crops success Sowing for Peak Performance (SPP) is KWS’s fundamental breeding objective that underpins all cereal genetic development now and into the future.

T3 Timing Depends On Target

Base your T3 timing on target growers are being advised.

Covid-19: Suppliers coping well but markets are uncertain

After a much busier spring than was expected in the current circumstances, new season fertiliser campaigns are on the horizon while the wheat markets are looking a little more tricky.

Timely extra strength for Clearfield growers

The arrival of a new generation of Clearfield varieties offering improved performance and reliability will be particularly welcome to growers needing to keep on top of cruciferous weeds and ensure the most robust establishment and early crop development this autumn.

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