Bio-nutrients “more cost-effective than conventional fertiliser”

Farm manager Piers Cowling found using bio-nutritional products maintained yields but saved money and protected soil health.

seed sprout in soil
Stock photo.

Oxfordshire farm manager Piers Cowling, of Sparsholt Manor Farm, compared bio-nutritional product, Tricet Pro-Growth, with conventional fertiliser on winter wheat.

His large-scale trials showed that yield was maintained when he reduced his standard N applications and replaced it with Pro-Growth.

Importantly, Pro-Growth was much more cost-effective than conventional fertiliser, plus it reduced the negative impact on soil health and fertility that man-made inputs can have, and helps with the transition to net zero.

Sparsholt Farm has 1,170ha of arable cropping, feed and milling wheat, alongside oilseed rape, spring beans and spring barley.

Soils vary from heavy silt clay loams in the valley bottom to thin soils on the hill tops.

Piers is a keen advocate of soil health and has been pioneering low soil disturbance and reduction of pesticides and artificial fertilisers for some years.

Pro-Growth trials

Sparsholt carried out tramline trials in winter wheat for two seasons to evaluate the effect on harvest yield of reducing nitrogen application levels whilst applying Tricet Pro-Growth.

In both trials Pro-Growth was applied three times at a dose rate of 3 litres/ha coinciding with T1, T2 and T3 sprays.

Piers said: “The conclusion from our trials so far is that 9 litres/ha of Pro-Growth, which was compared with a reduction 80kg N/ha, showed no yield reduction.

“But a significant cost saving was calculated – in the 2023 season prices traditional N cost £185.60/ha compared with £45/ha of Pro-Growth.

“We are also mindful that applying less N is beneficial for soil health.”

What is Pro-Growth?

Tricet Pro-Growth is a unique liquid formulation of a 14-07-07 urea mix combined with an extensive suit of micro-nutrients and minerals, with complexed essential amino acids and biological profile.

Being a liquid, it can be applied with ease and is absorbed rapidly into the leaves.

Pro-Growth stimulates and increases biological functions, reducing stress from the environment and potential nutrient deficiency – adding up to improved crop resilience leading to improved yield and quality.

Tricet Pro-Growth is applied at 2.5/5.00 ha in 200–300 litres of water per hectare to crops for an immediate boost, or at 14-day intervals in a programme while crops are actively growing.

How do bio-nutrients work?

Bio-nutrient soil and foliar products improve crop vigour and resilience to stress, leading to improved yield and quality.

Soil products feed and increase beneficial micro-organisms in the soil, reinforcing the development of natural life and fertility.

These improved soil conditions aid worm populations, root development and water and nutrient availability and uptake.

Foliar applications stimulate crop development and raise the plant’s natural defence mechanisms, so reducing reliance on conventional inputs and providing resilience to environmental stress.

Bio-nutrition and bio-stimulant products are no longer considered to be “muck and magic” or “snake oil”, Tricet concludes – they are beginning to play a vital role in 21st century crop production.

Backed by trials

Tricet UK says it has many years of bio-nutrient experience and is at the cutting edge of this expanding area of agricultural inputs.

Its products are fully backed by a wide range of practical trials conducted by independent organisations: PGRO, NIAB, ADAS, AHDB Monitor Farms, Reading and Cranfield Universities, and Askam Bryan College.

The company has focused on sustainable farming for 20 years; much of the new philosophy being adopted by the Environmental Land Management scheme (ELMS).

Soil health particularly will become the UK farmer’s number one priority, Tricet reckons.

For details of all Tricet products – Pro-Soil, Pro-Foliar, Pro-Fortis and Pro-Growth – please contact John Scott, southern regional director for Tricet on 07711 456905 or visit the Tricet website.

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