Exciting new additions to PGRO Recommended List
28th December 2019
Continued investment in pulses has seen two new additions to the 2020-21 PGRO Recommended List from breeders Limagrain UK.
New bean LG Raptor joins the RL.
Continued investment in pulses has seen two new additions to the 2020-21 PGRO Recommended List from breeders Limagrain UK.
Large blue pea LG Aviator has moved from RL trials to a P1 rating, with a yield of 99 per cent over control – higher than the market stalwart, Prophet. Pulse breeder William Pillinger says the reason for the high yields is that LG Aviator is a multi-podded variety type.
“This means that for each node there are three pods, therefore there are more pods at the top of the plant rather than spread through the plant, making for a more even maturity with less competition for light,” he explains.
The variety offers excellent tolerance to downey mildew with a rating of seven, and it is resistant to powdery mildew.
“It’s early, and has good ratings for standing ability and straw length (rated 6) – making it one of the best agronomic packages of any other provisionally rated varieties,” William adds.
Spring bean LG Raptor also joins the list with a P1 rating based on its exciting yield potential.
“Its consistently high yields have played out over the last two years of Recommended List Trials, yielding 107 per cent of controls in 2019 and 100 per cent of controls for this year’s listing, and I would expect it to perform as well or better again next year,” says William.
“Characteristics such as one of the earliest maturing varieties on the RL, short straw and excellent standing power make LG Raptor the best agronomic packages for any spring bean on the market.”
LG Raptor is suitable for human consumption, fish feed and animal protein markets.