‘Killer’ fungal gene could provide key to control of plant diseases

Experts have just revealed that a specific gene appears to protect some fungal threats as they invade wheat. They said that disarming these defences could offer a pathway to keeping pathogens in check.

Hutchinsons expert shares views on spring options for 2025

Hutchinsons national seeds manager, David Bouch, has shared his views on spring cropping variety choices for 2025.

Top tips for establishing spring cereals

Spring cereals are an important part of the rotation on many farms, and are often a go-to option within grassweed control strategies or when wet conditions disrupt winter cropping plans.

Trio of new Syngenta barley varieties added to latest Recommended Lists

Three new barley varieties from Syngenta have been added to the latest AHDB Recommended Lists. They are two new Hyvido hybrid winter feed barleys and a new spring malting barley with potential for brewing and malt distilling.

Save up to 35% on operational grain drying costs

Perry of Oakley says its Savannah continuous flow grain dryer offers substantial savings in grain drying costs when paired with add-ons.

Record-breaking spring oat delivers yield of over 11t/ha 

A Lincolnshire farm has marked a groundbreaking harvest this year with Merlin spring oats delivering yields of over 11 tonnes per hectare, which is more than double the national average. 

Elsoms unveil their ‘magnificent seven’ as new Recommended List is announced  

The latest Recommended List that includes an expansive new variety line-up demonstrates the real strength and depth in Elsoms Seeds breeding program, Elsoms head of agriculture Toby Reich said. 

Crop.zone and Tuckwells join forces to advance sustainable farming in the UK

Crop.zone has announced its latest collaboration with agricultural dealer Tuckwells, which will provide farmers across East Anglia and South East with access to crop.zone’s innovative electric crop management technology through Tuckwells‘ extensive network of 11 outlets. 

Recommended Lists launch delivering over 40 new varieties

AHDB has just announced the launch of the online edition of the Recommended Lists for cereals and oilseeds (RL) 2025/26. 

PGRO descriptive list launches to remind farmers that growing pulses can be very beneficial 

NPZ UK offerings in the 2025 descriptive list bring a plethora of benefits to pulse growers. 

Seasonal cheer for whisky and beer with latest malting barley variety promotions 

Two Syngenta malting barley varieties have been promoted on the latest Malting Barley Committee (MBC) approved list of varieties for harvest 2025.   

Could UK have the lowest oilseed rape planted area since the 80s?

AHDB’s early bird survey predicts an increase in the UK wheat area for harvest 2025 of 5.4%, however, it will still remain below the 2019 to 2023 average. The country can also see the lowest oilseed rape planted area for 42 years.

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