Managing late drilled wheat crops
20th December 2019
Where drilling of winter wheat has been delayed, the crop nutrition strategy should be adapted to help recover the lost yield potential.
All crop plots drilled at Cereals despite wet autumn
19th December 2019
Despite a difficult autumn, the Cereals Event reports 100 per cent of exhibitor crop plots at the Cambridgeshire site were drilled and growing by the end of October.
Wet harvest threatens crops – but they can be salvaged
27th August 2019
Persistent rain through August has left large acreages of cereals still unharvested across the UK, with many growers worried they will have to sacrifice crops.
Don’t forget your grain this winter
26th October 2018
With grain losses due to pest damage costing up to £50/metric tonne farmers are being encouraged to check their stores weekly to protect against insect damage. To provide advice and
Agronomy Update
27th November 2017
The jobs list on arable farms is growing with fungicide applications foremost in growers’ minds