Grain Industry makes moves to improve Health and Safety of Grain Sampling

The grain industry has for some time been working to improve the safety of “on farm” grain sampling and how samples are taken.

Give spring cereals a nutrition boost

Spring-sown cereals that have struggled to establish in the dry conditions through April and May could be given a much-needed boost with targeted foliar nutrition, says leading agronomy firm Hutchinsons.

Get your T2 micronutrients and timing right to maximise wheat yields

Using the right micronutrients at the right time is the most sure-fire way to maximise yields – especially considering the circumstances this year.

Strong demand for low input UK-grown high protein varieties

High protein wheats typically demand a premium, but often at the cost of increased inputs. A home-grown high specification wheat with a high protein content, is continuing to buck the trend, with a strong disease resistance profile and growing UK demand.

Variable Winter Wheat Flag Leaf Emergence Presents Challenge To Growers

The wide range in winter wheat drilling dates and differing development speeds of some varieties are contributing to making this one of the most complex seasons ever for timing flag leaf sprays, experts are suggesting.

Drawing the short straw this harvest?

Straw merchant PJ Reed offers guidance on preventing straw becoming water damaged and explores how its range could save time, money, fuel, labour and machinery wear.

Prepare grain stores ahead of harvest

Having a fully prepared grain store by paying particular attention to hygiene, could be key to avoiding costly insect and rodent infestations over the long storage period later in the year.

Formulation key to weed control success in spring barley

With a record 1 million ha of spring barely planted this year and rain forecast for the beginning of May, growers will be under pressure to control weeds in a narrow window of opportunity, so herbicide formulation could make all the difference.

Micronutrients are more important than ever for resilient spring crops

Following a miserable winter and dry beginning to spring, micronutrients will play a vital role in ensuring a resilient spring cereal crop – especially as recent data has shown high rates of deficiency.

Now is the time to establish summer cover for soil health

The next few weeks are the ideal time to establish a summer cover crop mix on uncropped land requiring improvements to soil structure and health after last winter.

BYDV threat for emerging spring cereals

This season’s vast area of spring sown cereals face emerging to an almost instant intense and prolonged risk of BYDV infection.

New season, new approach to disease control in wheat crops

This year sees a double whammy of hurdles for wheat growers – the loss of previously relied-upon ag-chem, combined with delayed drilling due to the weather means that strategies need to change this year.

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