Check your grain ventilation fans out of season

Grain cooling and storage specialist Evans & Pearce explains the importance of looking after fans in and out of season, to avoid damage and downtime through dust and moisture build-up.

AHDB launches ‘Beige is Beautiful’ campaign to encourage people to choose wholegrains

The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) is launching a consumer marketing campaign based around a striking piece of art made entirely from wholegrains.

New tool to help farmers make decisions over cereal disease launched

Syngenta has launched a new, online support tool to help growers with fungicide decisions in winter wheat and in winter and spring barley.

Septoria warning as high levels of latent disease is found in plant samples

Septoria pressure in UK wheat crops is expected to build in the coming weeks as warmer temperatures are set to follow early May rainfall.

What sprays are available for your grain stores in 2021? And which is the best?

Martin Cobbald from pest control experts Dealey Environmental Ltd, gives you the run-down on what chemicals are available in 2021 for grain store spraying, in the latest video for Farmers Guide.

Pre-harvest checklist: Get grain stores harvest-ready

Dealey Environmental has put together five top tips to help you to prepare stores ahead of the harvest, so you can keep your grain in good order.

Cereals will go ahead as a face-to-face event, organisers say

After more than 12 months of virtual events due to Covid-19, Cereals is set to go ahead as an in-the-flesh, face-to-face event this year.

In an age of robotic farming, nothing replaces human expertise when it comes to good grain care

Martin Cobbald from pest control experts Dealey Environmental, shares his thoughts on hot spots in his monthly video for Farmers Guide.

RAGT and Bayer sign an agreement to develop Hybrid Wheat seeds for European markets

New partnership aims to provide farmers with new high-potential wheat varieties, enhancing sustainable agricultural practices.

Maximise the benefit of patch spraying for grass weed control

Spraying out badly infested areas of the crop is now a common tactic for controlling problem weeds such as black-grass and rye-grass in late spring. But sacrificing total yield for weed control means it is essential to do the job effectively.

Is formulation a factor in yellow rust severity?

Agronomist reports last season on the difficulties of controlling yellow rust was put down to a combination of late drilling, winter weather and changes to the pathogen. But research suggests that fungicide choice might have been a factor.

Growers encouraged to complete the planting and variety survey

The AHDB Planting and Variety Survey is to provide the earliest view of Great Britain’s planted area for the upcoming harvest.

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