DEC 2023
What are we, as a nation, doing to protect our domestic cereal food security?
24th November 2023
With so much land being taken out of commercial cereal productions, when there is a call to feed the nation, what changes could you make, over what timelines, and at what cost?
New grain processing plant allows for timely harvesting
2nd November 2023
Woburn Farms has invested in a future-proofed grain processing plant, which allows them to grow a much larger percentage of high-quality crops with the associated premiums.
Time to consider BYDV-resistant wheat as aphid threat increases
26th October 2023
Numbers of aphid vectors that transmit barley yellow dwarf virus are significantly higher than this time last year and are building rapidly, increasing the chances of an epidemic of the disease if mild weather continues.
Favourable harvest reports and trial results for Candidate soft wheat variety
25th October 2023
With only a few weeks to go before the announcement of the new Recommended List (RL), new Group 3 Soft wheat Candidate variety Bamford continues to generate very high levels of interest from across the UK seed sector.
NOV 2023
Feeding late-drilled wheat key to driving yield
24th October 2023
Late drilling of winter wheat has become an increasingly common practice across UK arable farms for controlling black-grass, for second wheats and crops that are being sown after sugar beet and potatoes, and requires careful management to ensure maximum yields can be met.
Farmers set for a bumper maize crop this harvest, analysis shows
6th October 2023
Crop analyses carried out by Limagrain UK indicate that most stands of maize are on track to produce a promising crop, with the majority predicted to be ready for harvest in the next week to 10 days.
Wheat variety’s wide drilling window appeals to Scottish growers
27th September 2023
Blackstone’s exceptionally wide sowing window from mid-September to March looks to be a major benefit to Scottish growers, with Kirkcaldy-based farmer Willie Murray seeing high average yields of 12.5t/ha after sowing the crop for the first time in September last year.
Consultation announced for Combinable Crops Digital Passport
25th September 2023
Plans for a consultation with industry over the possible introduction of a Digital Passport for Combinable Crops have been confirmed for October 2023 by the project’s Leadership Group.
Wheat variety ticks all the boxes for regen grower
20th September 2023
With its strong and consistent performance despite high disease pressure, Group 4 winter wheat variety LG Typhoon impressed farm manager Philip Vickers, who is striving to reduce inputs on a large arable farm in the Northeast of England.
Maize breeder predicts favourable decision on UK seed treatment ban
11th September 2023
Following a successful lobbying campaign for the government to withdraw or delay the impending ban on seed treatments, Limagrain UK is optimistic that treated maize seed will still be available to growers for the upcoming season.
First-time Mayflower grower “delighted” with crop performance
7th September 2023
Northants farmer Emma Bletsoe was reassured in her decision to drill Mayflower last year, a Group 2 winter wheat from Elsoms Seeds, following the crop’s positive performance bucking recent trends of sliding Hagbergs and low specific weights for milling wheats.
BSPB Descriptive List welcomes twelve new forage maize varieties
5th September 2023
Twelve new varieties have been added to the British Society of Plant Breeder’s 2024 Forage Maize Descriptive Lists (DL), published last week (1st September).