Ireland’s largest liquid fertiliser facility opens at Port of Cork 

Omex Ireland has officially opened the country’s first and largest dedicated liquid fertiliser distribution hub at the Port of Cork.  

Horsch drill ranges updated

Horsch has updated and expanded its ranges in the past 18 months, with advanced features not just reserved for the largest models.

New hopper-less rear mounted frame developed

With wetter planting windows the new norm, a change in machinery can be the difference between getting seed in the ground or not.

Farmers warned to be clear on crop definition before spraying

Agronomy firm Hutchinsons is reminding growers with late-sown cereals of the importance that sowing date plays in determining the plant protection products that can be applied this spring. 

Kit Papworth elected as new chairman of NFU Sugar

Kit Papworth has been elected as the new NFU Sugar’s board chairman, with Simon Smith being re-elected to the position of vice chairman.

Precision, versatility and soil health with the Weaving Mounted GD Disc Drill

As regenerative agriculture and no-till farming continue to gain momentum, British farmers are looking for machinery that ticks many boxes: exceptional seed placement, versatility in variable weather conditions, promotion of optimal soil health, maximisation of efficiency and affordability. 

Low disturbance drilling

Despite the ongoing wet conditions across much of Britain in 2024/2025, farmers can overcome the challenging drilling situation with the right tools.

New broad-spectrum herbicide launches for Irish growers this spring

Corteva Agriscience has launched a new herbicide for grass and broad-leaved weed control in Irish cereal crops. 

BYDV resistance reduces early drilling risk

When RAGT launched Europe’s first winter wheat variety with BYDV resistance five years ago, Kent farmer Richard Budd believed the trait could be a potential game changer when it comes to early drilling.

Thinking differently with micronutrients

Micronutrients are taking on greater significance as farmers and growers seek to improve yield and quality of crops.

Expert shares six steps towards correct sprayer setup

A well-maintained sprayer and its correct setup are essential for accurate application and optimal efficacy while avoiding any risks to the operator, bystanders, and the environment, a Hutchinsons expert advises.  

Fodder beet adds ‘fizz’ to livestock diets

The crop is a valuable feed and ideal break crop for winter and spring cereals.

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